Glossary of Rajasthani Language/U

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  1. The Glossary of Rajasthani Language contains Rajasthani romanized words, the words in Devanagari script and Hindi equivalents with meaning in English.
  2. You may use the toolbar at the bottom of the edit window to add Devanagari and other non english characters.
  3. Devanagari alphabets may not be visible on some computers - some PCs do not support Devanagari fonts. Those viewers should install Devanagari font 'Mangal' - for details, please see the thread Tips for use of Hindi on your computer in Tech Talk forum.
  4. A simple technique to insert an equivalent hindi word to a Romanized Rajasthani word is to type and copy from google transliterate, Devnagari Editor or learn from here
  5. Tips for pronunciation of Rajasthani words are: a () as a in "America", ā () as a in “father”; i () as i in “ill”, ī () as ee in “eel”; u () as u in “full”, ū (ऊ) as oo in “fool”; as nna (), as lla (), as nga (), ñ as nya (), ś as sha (), as ssa (), as dda (ड़), as , t as
  6. To write in Hindi see हिन्दी में कैसे लिखें


Ūbāk उबाक - मतली, उल्टी होने का अहसास
Ūbhāṇā उभाणा - जूता विहीन
without shoes
Ūbo ऊबो - खड़ा
to stand
Udham उधम - शैतानी
uproar, disturbance
Udikai उडीकै - इन्तजार
to wait
Udiko उडिको - इन्तजार
to wait
Ugasaṇī उगसणी - डेगचियों, घड़ों व हांडियों को अंदर से साफ करने के लिए जचाबडी के सूखकर कठोर बनी जड़ों को एक साथ बांधकर तैयार की गई ब्रुश
Ughāḍo उघाड़ो - खोलना
Ugai ऊगै - दिन निकलने पर
sun rise
Ukāḷ उकाळ - उबालना
to boil
Ukhaḷī उखळी - उखली
a mortar of wood or stone for pounding grain
Ukrāḷị उकराळी - जमीन समतल करने का यंञ, Equipment to make ground flat (Used with tractor usually)
Uḷjheḍā उळ्झेड़ा - झगड़ा
the quarrel, misunderstanding
Ulja'nt उळजांट - उलझा हुआ
Mingled badly
Uḷṭo उळ्टो - उलटा
not straight, reverse
Ujāḷo उजाळो - उजाला
light, brightness
Ujaṇo उजणो - एक महिला परंपरा
to do udyapan eg Gaur ujano
Ūmaro ऊमरो - सीता
the furrow on earth made by a plough for sowing seeds
Ūņiyār उणियार - याद
Missing someone
Ūņiyāro उणियारो - चेहरा
Ūnḍī ऊंडी - गहरी
Ūno ऊनो - उलटा
reverse, upside down
Ūnro ऊनरो - चूहा
Unwāro उंवारो - पैसे देना
encircle money over some body's head and gift him
Unwar ऊंवार - देरी
late, delay
Ūnāḷụ उनाळू - पीछे झुकाव
Leaning rear end
Ūnyāḷo ऊन्याळो - ग्रीष्मकाल
summer season
Upāḍ उपाड़ - उखाड़ना
to uproot
Upāḷo उपाळो - पैदल
on foot
Uparlị ऊपरली - ऊपरवाली
The one above (feminine)
Uparlo ऊपरलो - ऊपरवाला (भगवान)
The one above (Masculine),God
Uprānt उपरांत - कटे-फटे कपड़ों की कई परतों से सिलाई कर शर्दी में ओढ़ने के लिए बनाई गई रजाई
a quilt made of used clothes in place of cotton
Urai उरै - पास में
Ūn'ser ऊंसेर - याद
Missing someone
Uraṇio उरणियो - मेमना
young sheep
Utarādh उतराध - उतर दिशा
north direction
Ūt ऊत - कपूत
bad son
Ütfail ऊतफैल
शरारत, नाटक: Drama, nuisance

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