Glossary of Rajasthani Language/Z
- The Glossary of Rajasthani Language contains Rajasthani romanized words, the words in Devanagari script and Hindi equivalents with meaning in English.
- You may use the toolbar at the bottom of the edit window to add Devanagari and other non english characters.
- Devanagari alphabets may not be visible on some computers - some PCs do not support Devanagari fonts. Those viewers should install Devanagari font 'Mangal' - for details, please see the thread Tips for use of Hindi on your computer in Tech Talk forum.
- A simple technique to insert an equivalent hindi word to a Romanized Rajasthani word is to type and copy from google transliterate, Devnagari Editor or learn from here
- Tips for pronunciation of Rajasthani words are: a (अ ) as a in "America", ā (आ) as a in “father”; i (इ) as i in “ill”, ī (ई) as ee in “eel”; u (उ) as u in “full”, ū (ऊ) as oo in “fool”; ṇ as nna (ण), ḷ as lla (ळ), ṅ as nga (ङ), ñ as nya (ञ), ś as sha (श), ṣ as ssa (ष), ḍ as dda (ड़), ṭ as ट, t as त
- To write in Hindi see हिन्दी में कैसे लिखें
- Zeṭ जेट - ग्वार उपाड़ कर बनाई गई ढेरी
- a small heap of harvested gwar straws
- Zer जेर - जेर
- The membrane in which the fœtus is enveloped; after birth, secundines
- Zerawāḷ जेरवाळ - गाय के ग्याबन होने पर जननांग से रिसने वाला तरल
- The secretion from cow's vagina after it gets pregnant
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