Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Hadasti (हड़स्ति) is a village in Ballarpur tahsil in Chandrapur district in Maharashtra.
Hadasti is a small Village/hamlet in Chandrapur Taluka in Chandrapur District of Maharashtra State, India. It comes under Hadasti Panchayath. It belongs to Vidarbha region . It belongs to Nagpur Division . It is located 3 KM towards west from District head quarters Chandrapur. Hadasti is surrounded by Ballarpur Taluka towards South , Bhadrawati Taluka towards North , Rajura Taluka towards South , Wani Taluka towards west.[1]
Erai River
The Erai River originates near Kasarbodi village of Chimur taluka of Chandrapur and meets Wardha River near Hadasti village in Ballarpur tahsil in Chandrapur district in Maharashtra. It has a total length of 78 km and lies entirely within Chandrapur district.
Jat Gotras Namesake
- Had (हड़) (Jat clan) → Hadasti (हड़स्ति). Hadasti (हड़स्ति) is a village in Ballarpur tahsil in Chandrapur district in Maharashtra.