Hariana Jatan

From Jatland Wiki

Hariana Jatanis a village in District Hoshiarpur, Punjab


It is located on the road from Hoshiarpur to Phagwara.


The word "Jatan" in the Punjabi language is the plural form of the singular word "Jat". Thus, the village name simply means "Harana of the Jats".[1]

Notable persons

This village is the birthplace of the famous Sikh historian Professor Ganda Singh [2]. In fact, his mother belonged to this village while his father was from a village called "Purhiran" in the same district.


  1. History and study of the Jats By Professor B.S Dhillon. ISBN-10: 1895603021 or ISBN-13: 978-1895603026. 106
  2. Singh, H., Gerald-Barrier, N., Editors, Introductory: Ganda Singh, in Essays in Honour of Dr. Ganda Singh, Punjab Past and Present, Published by Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, 1976, pp. xii.

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