
From Jatland Wiki
Genealogy of Suryavansha

Harita (हरिता) is a village in Hisar tahsil and in district Haryana.


Village is situate on Miran to Hisar road in west.


Population is 2,057.

Jat Gotras


There are around 2500 people of this Nagil clan in Sanjerwas, Harita, Jaitpur in Haryana. They are the only descendants of Raja Sajraj Veer Singh Nagil of Ranthambore.

In Mahavansa

Harita is mentioned as wife of Pandaka in Mahavansa/Chapter 12, which mentions that a Yakkha named Pandaka with (his wife) the Yakkhini Harita and his five hundred sons obtained the first fruit (of sanctification in Buddhism).

Notable persons

  • Late Capt. Ratan Singh Kulhari - One of the First Jat IAS officers from village Harita, Hisar.
  • Late Ch. Man Singh Kulhari - Advocate and Prominent freedom fighter and famous jurist from Village Harita, Haryana.
  • Dr Sunita Kuntal (Born of Kulhria Father) - an internationally renowned one of the few Gynaecologists
  • Late Dr Sucheta Khokhar (Born of Kulhria Father) - Eminent International Entomologist and The First Lady Dean of College of Agri. CCS HAU from village Harita, Hisar.

External links


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