Huldhani (हूलढाणी) is a village in tehsil Parbatsar of Nagaur district in Rajasthan , India.
Pincode of the village is 341501. It is situated 32km away from Parbatsar town and 140km away from Nagaur city. Bhadwa is the gram panchayat of Huldhani village. Adani, Bhawasiya and Kinsariya are some of the nearby villages.
Jat gotras
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 481 families residing, Huldhani village has the population of 2650 (of which 1301 are males while 1349 are females).[1]
Notable persons
- Panna Ram (Dara) - Date of Birth : 14-April-1965, AO (Cash) BSNL, Vill- Huldhani, Post- Bhadwa,Via- Badu,Tehsil- Parbatsar,Distt.-Nagaur,(Raj), Present Address : H/O SH.Roopa Ram,282-283,Subhash Nagar,Pal Road,Jodhpur(Raj), Resident Phone Number: Mobile Number : 9413394250, Email Address :
External links
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