
Jangloo (जांगलू) (Janglu) is a large village in Nokha tahsil in Bikaner district in Rajasthan, India.
It is located 44 KM towards South from District headquarters (Bikaner), 28 KM from Nokha Gaon and 313 KM from State capital (Jaipur). Jangloo's Pin code is 334803 and postal head office is Nokha .
Desalsar (10 KM) , Jaisingh Desar Magra (11 KM) , Bhamatsar (13 KM) , Parwa (15 KM) , Rasisar (17 KM) are the nearby villages to Jangloo. Jangloo is surrounded by Kolayat Tehsil towards west, Bikaner Tehsil towards North, Nagaur Tehsil towards South, Sri Dungargarh Tehsil towards East .
Its 12th century name was Jangalakupa (जांगलकूप). Jaina records mention it as Jangalakupa-durga (जांगलकूप-दुर्ग) as we learn from a Jaina Inscription of V.S.1176. This inscription mentions about the Mahavira temple of the place and records installation of image of Shantinatha in this temple. This place was also known as Ajayapura (अजयपुर) as we learn from another Jaina Inscription, recording the installation of image of Mahavira, of the same date.It is known for temples dedicated to Rishabhadeva and Mahavira. [1]
Jat Gotras
At the time of Census-2011, the total population of Jangloo village stood at 7735, with 1162 households.
Notable persons
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