Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |
Jatamzari (जाटामझारी ) is a village in Katol tehsil in Nagpur district of Maharashtra.
Jatamzari is a small Village/hamlet in Katol Taluka in Nagpur District of Maharashtra State, India. It comes under Jatamzari Panchayath. It belongs to Vidarbh region . It belongs to Nagpur Division . It is located 56 KM towards west from District head quarters Nagpur, 18 KM from Katol. Jatamzari Pin code is 441306 and postal head office is Sawargaon. Agra ( 5 KM ) , Tishti(bu) ( 6 KM ) , Lohagadh ( 8 KM ) , Sawargaon ( 8 KM ) , Shemda ( 9 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Jatamzari. Jatamzari is surrounded by Kalmeshwar Taluka towards East , Narkhed Taluka towards west , Saoner Taluka towards East , Sausar Taluka towards North . Narkhed , Savner , Pandhurna , Sausar are the near by Cities to Jatamzari.[1]
The Founders
Jat Gotras
Notable Persons
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