Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/List of Abbreviations
Book by Bhim Singh Dahiya, IRS
First Edition 1980
Publisher: Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd, AB/9 Safdarjang Enclave, New Delhi-110064
The digital text of this chapter has been developed into Wiki format by Laxman Burdak |
Abbreviations used in B S Dahiya's books
- AA - Ariana Antique
- ABORI - Annals of Bhandarkar Oriental *Research Institute, Poona,
- AIS - Alberuni's India, by Sachau.
- AIG - The Age of Imperial Guptas.
- AIU - The Age of Imperial Unity.
- AN&M - The Age of Nandas and Mauryas.
- ASR - Archaeological Survey (of *India) Reports.
- ASI - Archaeological Survey of India.
- ASIAR - Archaeological Survey of India *Annual Reports.
- Ait. Br. - Aitereya Brahmana.
- AMMK - Arya Manjusri Mula Kalpa (K.P. Jayaswal). In Imperial History of India.
- BBKI - Brihad Bharat Ka Itihas (2 Vol. in Hindi) by Bhagvata Datta.
- Bmd P. - Brahmanda Purana.
- Br, - Brahmana.
- BSOAS - Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London).
- BRWW - Buddhist Records of the Western World, by S. Beal.
- CAH - Cambridge Ancient History.
- CII - (or Corp. Ins. Ind.) Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum.
- CCIM - Catalogue of the Coins in the Indian Museum, Calcutta (V.A. Smith, 1906).
- DKI - The Purana Text of the Dynasties of Kali Age (F.E. Pargiter).
- DS - Daivata Samhita, by S.D. Satavalekar, 1943 (4 Vol. in Hindi).
- DHNI - Dynastic History of North India (H.C. Ray).
- EHI - Early History of India (V.A. Smith).
- EHNI - Ethnic History of North India (S. Chatopadhyaya).
- EB - Encyclopaedia Brittanica.
- EI - Epigraphica Indica.
- ESM - Eransahr Nach der Geographic des Ps Moses (or Eransahr) Xorenac-i, by J. Marquart, Berlin 1901.
- HC - Harshacharita by Bag a Bhatta.
- HCIP - History and Culture of Indian People.(Majumdar and Pusalkar).
- HHC- Heou Han Chau (History of later Han Dynasty by Fan ye).
- HIOH - History of India, as told by its Own Historians (Elliot and Dowson).
- HVI - Hindi (Translation of) Vedic Index of Macdonnell & Keith by Ram Kumar Rai 1962).
- IA -Indian Antiquary.
- IC - Indian Culture, Calcutta.
- IHQ - Indian Historical Quarterly.
- Invasion - Invasion of India by Alexander the Great by J.W. Me Crindle.
- ICR - Indian Coins (by Rapson, E.J.)-
- JA - Journal Asiatique,
- JAOS - Journal of American Oriental Society.
- JASB - Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal.
- JBBRAS - Journal of Bombay Branch of Royal Asiatic Society.
- JBORS Journal of Bihar and Orissa Research Society.
- JIH - Journal of Indian History.
- JNSI - Journal of Numismatic Society of India.
- JRAS - Journal of Royal Asiatic Society.
- JKI - Jat Kshatriya Itihas (in Hindi) by Y. P. Shastri (1944).
- JPASB - Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
- KSIU - Kushan Studies in USSR (B. Gafurov & others, Calcutta 1970).
- MAKI - Madhya Asia Ka Itihas (2 Vol. in Hindi by Rahula Sankrityayana).
- MASI - Memoirs of Archaeological Survey of India.
- MBT - Mahabharata.
- Mark. - Markandeya Purana.
- NHIP - New History of Indian People.
- P. - Purana,
- PIHC - Proceedings of Indian History Congress. Person English Dictionary (F, Steingass) 1930 London.
- PHAI - Political History of Ancient India (H. C. Ray-Chowdhary).
- P& SM - Political and Social Movements in Ancient Punjab, by Buddha Prakash.
- RSCE - Rise and Splendour of the Chinese Empire (by R. Grousset, London, 1952). Rajat Rajatarangini of Kalhana, by A. Stein.
- SBAW - Sitzungsberielite der Pressischen Akademie der Wis-.sen-Schaften (Berlin).
- SIH&C - Studies in Indian History and Civilisation by Buddha Prakash.
- SED - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary by M. Monier-Williams (Oxford 1960).
- VIJ - Vishveshvaranand Indological Journal (Hoshiarpur, Pb.).
- Vayiu - Vayu Purana
- VGA - The Vakitaka-Gupta Age.
- VS - Vikrama Samvat (Era of 58 B.C.)
- Tribes and Castes - A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes in Punjab and N.W. Frontier—compiled by A.C. Rose, , Punjab Language Dept. Edn.)