Jhorda (झोरडा), is a medium-size village in Nagaur tehsil & district of Rajasthan.
It is situated on the north of Nagaur, about 30 kms away.
It is the birth place of the Great Saint Baba Hariram and the poet Kandan Kalpit. Every year in the month of Bhadrapad Chaturthy & Panchmi a big annual fair is held here where about 1-2 lac people participate who come from Rajasthan, U.P., Haryana, Delhi & Punjab.
- Population of Jhorda, according to Census 2001 was 1163 (males 610 and females 553).
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 261 families residing, Jhorda village has the population of 1514 (of which 798 are males while 716 are females).[1]
Jat Gotras
Notable persons
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