Kajlasar or Kajalasar (काजलासर) is a legendary pond in Parinagar (परिनगर) site of ruins in Nagarparkar District in Sindh province of Pakistan.
Nagarparkar is Located at a distance of 150 km from Mithi, in Sindh, Pakistan. It is situated at a distance of about 15 km from the Indian border.
Kajlasar of Parinagar
The merchant community of Parinagar gathered a substantial amount of money and built water reservoir the Kajlasar. The girls of Parinagar used to come early in the morning to wash their faces. They wore such heavy eye make up kajal that the whole reservoir was covered with lines of black Kohl floating on the surface of the water.[1]
The habit of applying Kohl was particularly prevalent among the Jain women. Their large eyes lined with Kajal suited their pale complexions beautifully. It is said that once an important Rajput prince came early one morning to the reservoir to water his horse. There were many girls at the spot washing their blackened eyes, and of course, the water was streaked with the antimony. The prince was annoyed and remonstrated with the girls for spoiling the water. The story spread and reached the ears of the Oswars who threatened to leave Parinagar.[2]
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