Kasma (कस्मा) is a Jat gotra found in Haryana and Madhya Pradesh.
Jat Gotras Namesake
- Kasma = Casmari (Pliny.vi.35)
Mention by Pliny
Pliny[1] mentions Ethiopia.... There are the Sesambri also, a people among whom all the quadrupeds are without ears, the very elephants even. On the African side are the Tonobari, the Ptoenphæ, a people who have a dog for their king, and divine from his movements what are his commands; the Auruspi, who have a town at a considerable distance from the Nile, and then the Archisarmi, the Phaliges, the Marigerri, and the Casmari.
Distribution in Haryana
Villages in Jhajjar District
Villages in Barwani district
Notable persons from this gotra
External links
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