Kheri Bulandshahr

From Jatland Wiki

Kheri (खैरी/खेड़ी) is a village in Bulandshahr tahsil and district in Uttar Pradesh.


आसपास के गांव - निसुर्खा, करकौरा, सेगा जगतपुर, बोंद्रा, बिहरा, तमरी, मो पंचपुर सेगली । गांव खैरी बुलंदशहर से लगभग 25 किमी की दूरी पर स्थित है ।

Jat Gotras


Notable persons

Dr. G. S.. Sirohi

Dr. Giri Raj Singh Sirohi is a eminent scientist in the field of Science of Plant Physiology.He had carried out research in Antarctica, South Pole in 1960 for around 100 days in sub-zero temperatures. The research brought to light some important aspects of living beings which were not noticed or proved before.


जनसंख्या - जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार गांव खैरी की जनसंख्या 1305 जिसमें 707 पुरुष और 608 महिला तथा 239 रिहायशी मकान हैं।



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