
Kirmara (किरमारा) is a village in Agroha Block of Hisar tehsil and district of Haryana.
The village of Kirmara, Hissar, Haryana was established by two Panwar Jats named as Aadu (आदु) and Dharja (धरजा). They are said to be uncle and nephew in relation. [1]
It is located 28 KM towards North from the District head-quarters Hisar, 10 KM from Agroha and 212 KM from State capital Chandigarh and about 183 KM from Delhi. Postal code of Kirmara is 125047 and Telphonic code is 01669.
Kirmara village has very long history of evolution of generation by generation. Village is very old in Haryana state and has its roots since pre-independence time. Old people say the village is established by two great person named as Aadu (आदु)and Dharja(धरजा) They are uncle and nephew in relation. They were clan of Panwar gotra.
Jat Gotras
About 6000.
Notable Persons
- Mr. Sukhbir Singh Panwar is 'Superintendent of Police' in Haryana. He was the winner of bronze medal in asian game in wrestling.
- Mr. Ramesh Panwar - also known as "Ramesh Kirmaria" is the former captain of Indian Kabaddi team from 2004 to 2006 and Arjuna awardi of 2005. He lead India in 14th and 15th asian games and won the gold medals. He was also captain of team during two kabaddi world cup. Now he is giving his service in Haryana Police as Inspector.
- Mr. Dalbir Singh Panwar, was born in Jat farmer family in Kirmara village and Popularly known as "Dalbir Kirmara" is former joint State head of Haryana Roadways Workers Union (HRWU). He is very strong union leader and always lead the struggle for Haryana roadways worker's rights and problems. He always fights for wrong policies of government for roadways employees and still remains in newspaper headlines for speaking for the welfare of Haryana roadways employees.
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