Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Kulpa is a village in Tirora tahsil in Gondiya district in the Indian state of Maharashtra.
Kulpa is a Village in Tirora Taluka in Gondia District of Maharashtra State, India. It belongs to Vidarbha region . It belongs to Nagpur Division . It is located 49 KM towards west from District head quarters Gondia. 20 KM from Tirora. Kulpa Pin code is 441911 and postal head office is Tirora. Kodelohara ( 8 KM ) , Ledada ( 9 KM ) , Sarra ( 10 KM ) , Manora ( 10 KM ) , Yedmakot ( 12 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Kulpa. Kulpa is surrounded by Bhandara Taluka towards west , Lakhani Taluka towards South , Sakoli Taluka towards South , Tumsar Taluka towards North. This Place is in the border of the Gondia District and Bhandara District. Bhandara District Tumsar is North towards this place.[1]