
From Jatland Wiki
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Kunthalagiri (कुंथलगिरि) is mountain and an ancient Jaina tirtha in Maharashtra located 22 miles from Varsi.



Kunthalagiri (कुंथलगिरि) (महा.) (AS, p.197)

Jat clans


Kunthalgiri tirth consist of 11 Jain temples : Main temple of Kunthalgiri is Shri Kul Bhushan – Desh Bhushan Mandir known as Bara Mandir here. Shri Kul Bhushan – Desh Bhushan went to Moksha in the period of Lord Munisuvratnath. Idols of Lord Shantinath, Munisuvratnath & Adinath are present here. Main idol of the temple is of Munisuvranatha. Adinatha idol is carved in Ardh Padmasan posture and Parsvanath idol is a white colored and has 11 hoods of cobra.

Shantinath temple built in year 1875 is also present here. Moolnayak of this temple is a 2 feet 3 inch black colder idol of Lord Shantinatha in padmasan posture. Idols of other Tirthankars and Goddess Padmavati & Sarasvati are also here. A 53 feet tall Manstambha was erected in 1944, having 4 idols of Lord Munisuvratnath installed on the top.

Bahubali Temple, Adinath Temple, Ajitnath Temple, Chaitya & Nandishwer Jinalaya, Neminath Temple, Mahaveer Temple, Kanch Mandir and Ratnatraya Temple are also present in Kunthagiri.[1]


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[2] ने लेख किया है ...कुंथलगिरि (AS, p.197) महाराष्ट्र में वार्सी से 22 मील दूर प्राचीन जैन धर्म का तीर्थ स्थल है। जैनग्रंथ निर्वाण-कांड में निम्न गाथा है- वंसस्थ लवणणियरे पच्छिम भायंभि कुंथुगिरिसिहरे। कुलदेश भूषण मुणीणिब्बाणगयाणमो तेसि। कुंथलगिरि की पहाड़ी पर मूलनायक का विशाल मंदिर है। जिसमें आदिनाथ की प्राचीन प्रतिमा प्रतिष्ठित है।

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