Malupur (मलुपुर) is village in Etmadpur tahsil and Agra district in Uttar Pradesh.
It is situated 18km away from Etmadpur town and 18km away from Agra city. Malupur village has got its own gram panchayat. Bailoth, Nekpur and Naharra are some of the nearby villages.
Jat Gotras
- Total population : 2803
- (Males: 1547, Females: 1256)
- (according to statistical data of Census 2011)[1]
Notable persons
- Dharmvir Singh Koyar (Sepoy) - From Malupur village in (Agra) became martyr on 30 May 1999. He was in Unit-17 Jat Regiment - Martyrs of Kargil war from Uttar Pradesh
- Shailendra Singh (Koyad) - Architect Engineer. From village Malupur in Etmadpur tahsil and Agra district in Uttar Pradesh. Address: A-6/314, Kamalanagar, Agra-5. Ph:0562-2882957, Mob - 9837342731 [2]
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