Mirpur Kheda
- Note - Please click → Mirpur for details of similarly named villages at other places.

Mirpur Kheda (मीरपुर खेड़ा) is a village in tehsil Sanchor of Jalor district in Rajasthan.
It is a well connected village by roads. It is situated at a distance of 30 km from Sanchor in east direction.
Jat Gotras
The village has a population of about 3500. Jats have a population of about 500. Jat Gotras in the village are Saran, Siyag, Dudi, Shrawan, Jakhar, Godara and Chilka. Other castes dwelling in the village are Bisnoi, Rabari, Rajput, Meghwal, Luhar, Darji, Suthar, Nai etc.
The village is about 300 years old. Mir Dholi (Mirasi) was the person who came to this place in search of employment and founded a Dhani (tiny village). Once a group of Jats from Nagaur, Bikaner and Jodhpur was passing through this area and stayed here for a night halt. They liked this place and settled finally here. The original occupant Mir Dholi left the dhani and moved away. Jats named this village after Mir Dholi as Mirpur Kheda.
Notable persons from the village
- Kabaddi game is very popular here. Khanga Ram Chilka and Narsi Ram Saran represent the village in Kabaddi.
- Late Shri Pabu Ram Siyag was sarpanch and having good influence in field of politics.
- Shri Mala Ram Saran is in politics now
- Jat Samaj, Agra, August 1999
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