Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Mulaka (मूलक) was a Janapada near Ashmaka country during pre-Buddhist period. It has been identified with area corresponding to Paithan on the banks of Godavari River in Aurangabad district, Maharashtra.[1]
- Mulaka मूलक (p.754)
Jat clans
Mūlaka (मूलक):—Another name for Bālika (son of Aśmaka, who was a son of Saudāsa). He was known as Mūlaka because when Paraśurāma vanquished all the kṣatriyas, he became the progenitor of more kṣatriyas. (see Bhāgavata Purāṇa 9.9.39-40). [2][3]
Mūlaka (मूलक).—A son of Kumbhakarṇa. Mūlaka was born on Mūla day and Kumbhakarṇa deeming that day and the constellation inauspicious threw the baby away. The abandoned child was brought up by honey-bees giving the babe honey. When Mūlaka grew up he became a mighty demon who always tormented people. He was killed by Sītā with the help of Śrī Rāma. (Ānanda Rāmāyaṇa, Rājyakāṇḍa). [4]
The son of Aśmaka was Mūlaka, who, when the warrior tribe was extirpated upon earth, was surrounded and concealed by a number of females; whence he was denominated Nārīkavacha (having women for armour).
His name Mūlaka, or ‘the root,’ refers also to his being the stem whence the Kṣatriya races again proceeded. It may be doubted if the purport of his title Nārīkavacha is accurately explained by the text. [5]
Mūlaka (मूलक).—A son of Aśmaka; when the Kṣatriyas were rooted out of the earth, he was protected by naked women; hence he was known as Nārikavaca. The originator of the new Kṣatriya race after its ruin by Paraśurāma; father of Daśaratha.*
मूलक (p.754): बुद्धपूर्व काल में मूलक तथा अश्मक जनपद पड़ोसी देश थे. डॉक्टर भंडारकर (कारमेइकल व्याख्यान 1918, पृ.53-54) के मतानुसार प्रारंभिक पाली साहित्य में मूलक देश को अश्मक के उत्तर में बताया गया है और उत्तर पालि साहित्य में मूलक का उल्लेख अश्मक के एक भाग के रूप में ही किया गया है. गौतमी बलश्री के नासिक अभिलेख से ज्ञात होता है कि उसके पुत्र सातवाहन नरेश गौतमीपुत्र के राज्य में यह देश सम्मिलित था. अश्मक देश से संबंधित होने के कारण मूलक की स्थिति गोदावरी के तट पर स्थित पैठान के पार्शववर्ती प्रदेश में मानी जा सकती है. पैठान या प्रतिष्ठान में अशमक की राजधानी थी. [6]
External links
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.754
- ↑ Source: The Garuda puranam
- ↑ Source: Wisdom Library: Bhagavata Purana
- ↑ Source: Sacred Texts: The Vishnu Purana
- ↑ Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana Index
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.754