Nagara Gondia
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Nagra (नागरा) is a village in tahsil Gondia and Gondia district of Maharashtra.
- Nagara Bhandara नागरा, जिला गोंदिया, महा., (AS, p.487)
Nagra is a Locality in Gondia City in Maharashtra State, India. It belongs to Vidarbh region . It is belongs to Nagpur Division. Nagra Pin code is 441601 and postal head office is Gondia. Katangikala , Katangikala , Vijaynagar , Teachers Colony , Ambhora are the nearby Localities to Nagra. Gondiya, Tirora, Wara Seoni , Balaghat are the nearby Cities to Gondia.[1]
There are two Shiva temples at Nagra built by Vakataka rulers.[2]
Nagra Shiv Temple Gondia
Discovered at the village of Shenda in Gondia by archaeologist Dr. Manohar Naranje belonging to the Eastern Vidarbha back in the year 2012- Nagra Shiv Temple dates back its existence to the late 15th Century. Styled in Hemadpanthi, this temple is believed to have inherited the name from Lord Nagraj.
A craftsmanship of sheer brilliance, Nagra Shiv Temple consists of 16 pillars sans joints and is home to several other temples of Lord Hanuman, Goddess Parvati and sundry. Beautifully structured with bricks, Nagra Shiv Temple houses the celebrated Shiva lingam made of pure graphite. According to the archaeologist, the Shiv Temple is said to have been the property of the Wakatak reining the land some 1500 years back.
The staunch believer of Shiva sect- Vakatakas crafted the 52 cm Shiva Lingam in an obscure yellow stone of graphite on a 34 cm platform. The Brahmasutra inscribed temple shelters a 75 cm vintage well within its complex that is encompassed with eastern rings.[3]
नागरा भंडारा
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[4] ने लेख किया है ... नागरा भंडारा (AS, p.487) भंडारा ज़िला, महा. में स्थित एक ऐतिहासिक स्थान है। यह स्थान पुरातात्विक दृष्टि से बड़ा ही महत्त्वपूर्ण है। प्राचीन पुरातत्व विषयक अनेक अवशेष नागरा से प्राप्त हुए हैं, जो कलचुरि कालीन जान पड़ते हैं। इन अवशेषों में मुख्य 12वीं शती तथा उसके पश्चात् बने हुए जैन मंदिरों के खंडहर हैं। नागरा गोंदिया से चार मील की दूरी पर है।