Naloi (नलोई) is a large village in Siwani Tehsil/Mandal in Bhiwani district of Haryana.
The population wise this village have morethan 700 houses with morethan 7000 election Votes. village have 7 temples and they are 1.SATI DADI MANDIR 2.PEER BABA MANDIR 3.MASANI DADI MANDIR 4.BAJRANG BALI KA MANDIR 5.SHYAM BABA KA MANDIR 6.DADA KALA MEHER KA MANDIR 7.RAMDEVJI MAHARAJ KA MANDIR. Naloi is the most popular pilgrimage point.
Majority Gotra of village: Sindhu (JAT)
Employment: More than 50% of total employment for villagers comes from defense services (army, navy and airforce). Other major number is of Teachers, Policemen, Bank Employee, Engineers and other local civil services. Rest of peopl do farming. New trend and attraction toward corporate and technical fields is also seen in youngsters.
Agriculture: Main crops of sown on different season pattern are gehun, bajra, jawaar, Mung, chane, guaari, sarso, eikh, kapash, badi etc.
Naloi (नलोई)(नळओई) is 7.9 km far from its Mandal Main Town Siwani . Naloi is located 59.5 km distance from its District Main City Bhiwani and 30KM from Main city Hisar. It is located 232 km distance from its State Main City Chandigarh.
Exact location with GPS coordinates: Latitude : 28.84819 Longitude : 75.54644
Naloi Pin Code is 127046 and Post office name is Naloi Post Office.
Near By main Villages of this Village with distance are Gurera (3.7 k.m.), Dhani Ramjas (5.1 k.m.), Kikral (5.7 k.m.), Barwa (7 k.m.), Siwani (7.9 k.m.),. Towns Near By Siwani (7.9 k.m.), Behal (36 k.m.), Tosham (36.4 k.m.), Kairu (43.6 k.m.). Near By Districts are Hisar 37 KM, Bhiwani 66 KM, Fatehabad 75 KM, Sirsa 92 KM.
Near By RailWay Station Siwani Railway Station - 7 KM, Naloi Barwa Rail Way Station - 5 KM. The nearest airport is at New Delhi which is at a distance of 190 kilometres.
Jat Gotras
Notable Persons
The total population of Naloi is 2698 with 1389 male and 1309 Female.
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