Nadana Jodhan

Nadana Jodhan (नँदाणा) is a village in Desuri Tahsil of Pali district in Rajasthan.
Modern Nandana about three miles from Bhagwanpura Station in Desuri tahsil, district Pali on the Western Railway, which passes through Gujrat and Rajasthan.
Nanana Cooper-plate of Asaraja (v.1173), Ratnapala, Sahanapala (v.1192) and Alhana (v. 1205)
- 1. विलासिनी प[द्मा]वती सुता-वीजलाया अपराभि: समं षोडशं [प] दं तथा प्रदत्तम । वंशिकल्हौडियाकस्त्रिपुरुषाणां...प्रदत्त: । मेहरी सी-
- 2. निकाया: वश प्रति देवकीय[।] दानमध्यात गोधूमानां द्रोणा: पंच नंदानाग्रामीयभोगात दातव्या: । गणिका गोछिणी सुताया:...
- 3. नं अपराभि: सप्तदशं...पदं प्रदत्तम । तथा अत्रैव भीटलवाड़ा-ग्राम: श्रीचंदलेश्वरदेवा[र्थं] त्रिपुरुषाणां प्रदत्त: ॥
- 4. अस्माद ग्रामादुत्प[त्ति]स्त्रीपुरुषाणां...सत्कवारिकै: समादाय स्वीयादानस्यैकत्वं च विधाय श्री चंदलेश्वरीय-विलासिनीनां विधा-
- 5. य भक्तकादिकं अपरमपि यत्किंचिद्देवस्य क्रियते भट्टारक-पुर:सरं [वा]रि[कै:] स्त्रिपुरुषाणां ।स्वकीयादानेन च कारयितव्यस् त्रिपुरुषाणाम् चतुर्थं
- 6. स्थायी भट्टारकेण वारिकैश्च सर्वदा दृ (द्र) ष्टव्य: ।। तथा श्री चंदलेश्वर-पूजनार्थं त्रिपुरूषाणां सत्कमठपते: देव-नंदितग्रामें व खट्टकनामा
- 7. अरघट्टस्त्र पति-श्रीपाल-समन्-वित: प्रदत्त: स्थायी भट्टारकेण ।।
- अत्र मेहरी विगडा-सीतडी-प्रेमली-रतना-श्रीयादेवी-आसदेवी ।
- सू (ल?)वाल जसरा । पाणविक श्रीपाल (दो) ।
- 8. यरक-वडियाक: । मार्दंगिक महीपतियाक: वांशिक गोविन्द-सुत-रिसिया [क:] भिंटलवाडा-ग्रामीय अरघट्टे कुमरद्रोणानां मध्यादादाय द्रो5 प्रदातव्या:
- 9. श्री जसोघवलेन आहुमले शतपत्रभार: 1 शतमेकं 100 प्रदत्तं । संवत 1173 कार्तिक वदि त्रि[तृ] तीयायां महाराजाघिराज श्री आसरा-
- 10. जेन क...लोलियमठस्य प्रदत्ता: ।। महाराज्ञी-श्रीचंदलादेव्या श्री चंदलेश्वरमध्यकारितगो (गौ) र्या राजकुलेन प्रतिपादितपत्रा-
- 11. णां शतं 1 शतमेकं गुंदकर्वायतवढातामोत्तामोवहंगत । टुलिया ।
- ठहलहरा वालहरा । वीसल । वासलादि षड्भि: जनै: सर्वदा वर्ष प्रति द्रम्मा-
- 12. णां शतं 1 शतमेकं ।। ददद्भिरंकितो द्र 100 तत्पत्रगोघूमानां त्रि(तृ)तीय-
- भागं वर्मभिरदातुकामै: कर्तव्य:।। अन्यदा संवत् 1171 पौष बदि 10 दश-
- 13. म्यां महाराजाघिराज श्रीआसराजेन महरि सो[मि]काया गृहनिरीक्षणा यागतेनास्य पिच्छवल्लीग्राम स्वसीमा-
- 14. पर्यंतो ज्ञातमर्याद: प्रसादीकृतोस्या वुं(भुं) जयन्त्या: भुंजापयन्त्या: केनापि क्षितिक्षितिधरकालं यावत् परिपंथना न कार्या ।।
- 15. अरपमग्रे मेहरी सोभिकाया: दीयमान-कुमर-द्रोणीय गोधूता (मा) नां पञ्चद्रोणी यावदेषां ग्रामं भुंजयति तावत् त्रिपुरूषैर-
- 16. र्भोक्तव्या:। अथ कदाचिद्-विधिवशाद् ग्राममेनं कोपि न पालयति तदा भूयोपि युज्यमाना कुमरद्रोणा महरिणा भोक्ताव्या: ।।
- 17. उपरिशासनमध्ये खर्वादायसहित: साSलयी ग्रामो मठस्थायत: कृतस्तन्मध्यात् द्वौ भागो मठस्य तृतीयांशस्त्रिपुरूषाणां प्रदत्तो अनया स्थित्या-
- 18. भट्टारकेण वर्तनीयम् ।। पुर्नमहाराजाघिराज-श्री-रत्नपालेन नोरियाक: सकुटुम्ब: प्रदत्त श्री नड्डूलीयमंडपिकायां श्री आहव-
- 19. म[ल्ले]न मांस प्रति द्रो 6षट् आदातव्या अमीषां परिपंथना क्वापि न कार्या ।। सम्वत् 1192 कार्तिक वदि 5 शनावद्येह श्री-न
- 20. डूले महाराजपुत्र कुँवर श्री साहणपालदेव: शासनं प्रयच्छति यथा ।। अग्रे नंदानाग्रामे वसमान-कुटिम्बक सोहिय आसा [चौ] स पुत्रपोत्रादिको यावतजीजौ तावत् शासनस्थित्या श्री त्रिपुरूषदेवाय प्रद-
- 21. त्तौ केनापि न लोपनीय: श्री त्रिपुरूषीयरथ: श्री पद्यलेश्वर-साहण-पालेश्वर-सहजपालेश्वरादिदेवानां साध्य: सर्वदा ।।
- 22. सवंत् 1205 भाद्र वदि शुद्रे(क्रे) महाराज-श्री आल्हणदेवेन प्राक् नंदानाग्रामीय-कुंटुकीकौ ।। मदनपाल । महणसीहा: । अद्यैवश्रीतृ (त्रि) पुरूषाणां शासनेन ।
- 23. दत्ता: केनापि कदाचिद् न लोपनीया: । तथानेन सालैपत्रा...सिंदासुता: प्रदत्ता: । तथा गोस्थलोभौ सडेन प्रदत्तो । केनापि न लोपनीयं इति ।।
The Nanana grant of Alhana, A Feudatory of Kumarapala Chaulukya V. 1219 and 1220
The Nanana grant of Alhana, A Feudatory of Kumarapala Chaulukya V. 1219 and 1220[1] |
The copper plate grant published here was discovered in 1936. When I went to Ajmer the same year in connection with the present thesis the late Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. Gaurishankar Hirachand Ojha was kind enough not only to show it to me but also to help me in deciphering it. He had discovered the grant at a village named Nanana about three miles from Bhagwanpur Railway Station on the Western Railway, which passes through Gujrat and Rajasthan and links the two. This village was the find-spot of another copper plate grant of Kumarapala, published by Dr. Ojha in ABORI, XXIII
The script used is Nagari. Excepting the prose portion giving the date, the name of the Chaulukya overlord, Kumarapala, his capital Anahilapataka, details about donations, and a few words more, the record is in good Sanskrit verse. As regards orthography, the sign of anusvara is mostly used, though at places, the nasal is also employed. A consonant following 'r' is not unoften doubled. Prishthamatras have been used.
The grant is issued from Anahilapataka and is dated Monday, the 3rd day of the dark half of Pausha V. 1219 (26th November, 1162. A.D.) in the Ramarajya of Maharajadhiraja Kumarapala, the vanquisher of the ruler of Shakambhari, while Yashodhavala was in charge of the affairs of the State, secular as well as religious.
The genealogy of the donor, the Chahamana ruler, Alhana, begins with line five of plate I and can be tabulated as follows:-
- 1. Lakshamana in the Chahamana family;
- 2. Sohi (Sobhita);
- 3. Baliraja at Naddula;
- 4. Mahindra;
- 5. Anahila, who destroyed many rulers;
- 6. (Jendu) raja (?) in the Saptashata kingdom, the "mine of horses";
- 7. Asharaja, who by the orders of his overlord, Siddharaja went to fight at Dhara. Its ruler, Naravarman, shut himself behind the walls of his fort as soon as he saw Asharaja.
- 8. Alhana, son of Asharaja and Delhanadevi, who saved the big army of the Gurjara King from extermination by slaying the Abhira (?) chiefs, and also the ruler of Dhara;
- 9. Prince Kelhana.
Lines 16-23 of Plate I give the following genealogy of Alhana's maternal grandfather:-
- 1. Dhuhada;
- 2. Haradatta, the ruler of Vishnudvara;
- 3. Kumarapala;
- 4. Kirtipala at Devavardhanapura;
- 5. Haripala, the brother of No.4, of whom even the Hammmira was afraid. Out of his fear the Turushka horses, even. though afflicted with thirst, did not dare to drink water.
A brother of Kumarapala, No. 3 above, was the nripati Rudrapala, the lord of Sarasvata Bhutala, whose daughter, Delhanadevika, was the mother of Alhana Chahamana.
The details of donations begin with line 9 of Plate II.
Alhana granted to the god Tripurushadeva the balādhipābhāvya (the cess due to the balādhipa) of the village Nandana. This had so far been appropriated by 'merciless' rulers every year, even though the village revenues were being enjoyed by Tripurushadeva. Similarly he granted the balādhipābhāvya of the village Bhitalavataka, then being enjoyed by Chandaleshvara, to that very god. To the image of Gauri set up in the garbhagrha of Chandaleshvara by Queen Sankaradevi, he assigned 4 drammas from the customs house for her daily offerings.
The record up to this point was written by Kheladitya. To it there is an addendum in smaller letters, written by Tha (kkura) Sridhara, specifying the grant of three 'ploughs' of land by Alhana to Tripurushadeva from the village Chamundi. This grant is dated Thursday,' the 11 th day of the bright half of Ashadha, V. 1220.
Places mentioned in the grant - Of the places mentioned in the grant:
- Anahilapataka is the present Pataṇ, 25N. 70E.
- Saptashata was the term used for the Chahamana kingdom of which Nadol was the capital.
- Dhara (present Dhar) was capital of the Paramaras of Malwa.
- Sarasvatabhutala may be some territory lying on the banks of the river Sarasvati of Northern Gujarat.
- Vishudvara looks like Haridwar, though it is difficult to be sure on this point; other geographical names in the record are
- Devavardhanapura, Nandana, Bhitalavataka and Chamvodi. As the last three of these were obviously under Alhana who had been restored to the kingdom of Nadol sometime between V. 1216 and 1218, it may be assumed that they were in the modern Jodhpur division of Rajasthan which includes all the territory once ruled over by the Chahamanas of Nadol. I am not sure of the location of Devavardhanapura(?).
The record is of considerable historical interest. So far the last known date for Alhana was V. 1218. The present record takes his reign upto V. 1220 in which year he was succeeded by Kelhana. From Kirtipala's grant of V. 1218, Alhana is known to have defeated the Saurashtrikas. The present record supplies the additional information that he slew the ruler of Dhara an adversary of the Gurjara ruler. We have perhaps to identify this ruler with Ballāla, though the credit of slaying has been assigned also to Yasodhavala Paramara of Abu by the Tejahpālaprashasti and to some Brahmana soldiers by the Dvyāshrayakāvya of Hemachandra.
We know from the Sundha Inscription that Alhana's father, Asaraja rendered meritorious service in Jayasimha Siddharaja's Malwa campaign. From the present record, it appears that Naravarman Paramara, though defeated, did not lose Malwa. Driven into the fort of Dhara by the combined forces of Jayasimha Siddharaja and his feudatories, he stood the siege with success, for otherwise the record would have claimed that Asaraja captured the Paramara capital.
Interesting also is the reference to Haripala, a cousin of Alhana's mother, Delhanadevi, as Hammirashankākarah, i.e. as one who inspired terror in the heart of the Hammira. That 'Hammira' here stands for the word Amir is made obvious by the further statement that due to Haripala's fear theTurushka horses did not drink water in spite of being extremely thirsty. I have identified elsewhere this Hammira with Ibrahim of Ghazna who, according to Firishta, raided India and reached the western coast of the country.
Of the words used in the record, balādhipābhāvya needs some explanation. It appears from inscriptions of Western Rajasthan and Gujarat that rulers and feudal chiefs regarded themselves as entitled to a number of minor cesses, besides their share in the land produce and customs duties. These cesses, called ābhāvyas, accrued to them on account of their real or supposed services as balādhipas and talāras etc. and could be realized even from villages given away in charity.
Notable persons
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See also
- ↑ Dasharatha Sharma, Early Chauhan Dynasties,pp.207
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