Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 6

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Pliny the Elder, The Natural History

John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A., London, 1855.

Chap. 6. — The Cimmerian Bosporus

Wikified by Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

The length of the peninsula1 which projects between the Euxine and Lake Mæotis, is not more than sixty-seven miles and a half, and the width across never less than two jugera:2 it has the name of Eion.3 The shores of the Bosporus then take a curve both on the side of Europe and of Asia, thus forming the Mæotis. The towns at the entrance of the Bosporus are, first Hermonassa4, next Cepi5, founded by the Milesians, and then Stratoclia and Phanagoria6, and the almost deserted town of Apaturos7, and, at the extremity of the mouth, Cimmerium 8, which was formerly called Cerberion. (7.) We then come to Lake Mæotis, which has been already mentioned9 in the description of Europe.

Foot Notes

1 The peninsula on which Taman or Timoutarakan is situate.

2 The jugerum was 100 Grecian or 104 Roman feet in length.

3 Signifying in Greek the "sea-shore."

4 Lying between Singa and Phanagoria. Rennell fixes it at the opening of the lake into which the Kouban flows.

5 Or the "gardens," from the Greek κῆποι. A town of the Cimmerian Bosporus, founded by the Milesians. Dr. Clarke identifies the modern Sienna with it, and the curious Milesian sculptures found there confirm the supposition.

6 Its ruins are supposed to be those near Taman, on the eastern side of the Straits of Kaffa. It was the great emporium for all the traffic between the coasts of the Palus Mæotis and the countries on the south of the Caucasus, and was chosen by the kings of Bosporus as their capital in Asia.

7 A town of the Sindæ; it possessed, like Phanagoria, a celebrated temple of Aphrodite Apaturos, or Venus "the Deceiver," whence probably its name.

8 Clarke identifies it with the modern Temruk, but Forbiger with Eskikrimm.

9 See B. iv. c. 24.