Neemdi wali
Neemdi wali (नीमडी वाली) is a village in Charkhi Dadri tahsil and district in Haryana.
Note - Before 2017, this village was part of Bhiwani district (Charkhi Dadri district was created on 1 November 2016).
This village is situated on Charkhi Dadri-Bhiwani Road.
Jat gotras
The Neemri village has population of 2072 of which 1094 are males while 978 are females (as per Population Census 2011).[1]
Notable persons
- Chaudhary Hawa Singh Gill social activist.
- Pooja Rani (Bohra) (born 17 February 1991) is a Indian middleweight boxer. She is from Neemdi wali (नीमडी वाली) village in Charkhi Dadri tahsil and district in Haryana (earlier Bhiwani district).
चित्र वीथि
बाबा बालकनाथ आश्रम, हालुवास - यहां नीमड़ीआळी गांव के लोगों की भी आस्था है।
External Links
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