Nipaniya Jat

Nipaniya Jat (निपानिया जाट) is a village in Huzur tahsil in Bhopal district in Madhya Pradesh.
Its post office is at Raipur, Huzur. निपानिया जाट भोपाल बेरसिया रोड पर भोपाल से 20 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर बसा हुआ है। यह जाट बाहुल्य गांव है । यहां के लोग कृषि , प्राइवेट बिजनेस और शासकीय सेवाओं में संलग्न हैं ।
The founders
Jat Gotras
According to the 2011 census of India, Nipaniya Jat has 322 households. The effective literacy rate (i.e. the literacy rate of population excluding children aged 6 and below) is 74.06%. Total population : 1617
Notable Persons
- Gajraj Singh Jat - Sarpanch Gram Panchayat Nipaniya Jat[1] Ph:0755-2858215, Mob:9425009015[2]
- Basanti Lal Jat (Dandak) - Phone: 9993168215
- Lalit Jat (Dandak)- Phone:9993075636
- Diwan Singh Jat - Phone:288229[3]
- Raghuveer Singh Jat (Lalau) - Social worker from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Mob - 7000957104
- Khelan Singh Jat, farmer- 9753943273
- Hemraj jat , Govt Service- 9981662281
- Gopal Singh Jat, Private business-8103756286
- Kamal Singh Jat, farmer and social worker mob.8319109970
Kamal Singh Jat , village Nipaniya Jat
External Links
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