Nishant Choudhary

Nishant Choudhary has collected 11613 Indian banknotes ending with 786 of Denomination 10. Each note is Uncirculated. All notes are printed in 2008.Total value of his collection is Rs. 11,6130. Apart from this he also have 200 Uncirculated currency notes of Rs.10/- from Pakistan & notes of 82 countries. He did this collection in shortest span of 67 days Starting from 09th Mar,2009.
His mobile number ends also with 786 i.e. 9928092786.Unique feature of this number is: SIM No. also ends with 786 , prepaid enrollment form & no. of recharge coupons used also ends with 786.His Vehicle insurance also ends with 786. Also he has coins & tokens minted in 1786 or 786. These coins are Indian, Mexico & Dutch Duet. He have a book whose ISBN Number also ends with 786.
Also,he is the only JAT in Limca book of Records in 2010 edition.
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