Padoo Kalan

Padoo Kalan (पादू कलां) is a large village in Merta tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
It is located 15 km east of Merta city on Merta-Parbatsar Road.
Pincode of the village is 342902. It is situated 35km away from Merta town and 65km away from Nagaur city. Being a large village, Padoo Kalan has got its own gram panchayat. Jalwana, Dhamaniya and Bedas Khurd are some of the neighbouring villages.
The Founders
Jat Gotras
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 1589 families residing, Padoo Kalan village has the population of 8833 (of which 4489 are males while 4344 are females).[1]
Notable Persons
- Chaina Ram Beda - Police Inspector, Manak Chauk, Jaipur. Born on 1.12.1972 at Padoo Kalan, Merta, Nagaur.[2]
External Links
- ↑ Web-page of Padoo Kalan village at Census-2011 website
- ↑ Jat Gatha, May-2016, p.31
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