Pali Partapur

Palipartapur (पाली प्रतापुर) is a village in tahsil Siana of district Bulandshahr in Uttar Pradesh.
Palipartapur is a Village in Pali Partapur Block, tahsil Siana, in Bulandshahr District of Uttar Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Meerut Division . It is located 24 KM towards East from District head quarters Bulandshahr. 10 KM from Jahangirabad Rural. 401 KM from State capital Lucknow. Palipartapur Pin code is 245405 and postal head office is Khanpur (Bulandshahr). Sinhali Jhaya (1 KM) , Khanpur Majra (2 KM) , Dhakka (2 KM) , Daulatabad (2 KM) , Dhakrauli (3 KM) are the nearby Villages to Palipartapur. Palipartapur is surrounded by Jahangirabad Block towards South , Unchagaon Block towards East , Syana Block towards North , Bhawan Bahadur Nagar Block towards North. Bulandshahr , Shikarpur, Bulandshahr , Sikandrabad , Hapur are the near by Cities to Palipartapur.[1]
Jat Gotras
- Sirohi (सिरोही) (200)
Total population is 2607 and number of houses are 439. Female Population is 47.1%. Village literacy rate is 54.4% and the Female Literacy rate is 17.6%.
Notable persons
Ray Bahadur Chaudhary Amar Singh (Sirohi) (10.4.1879 to 17.06.1935), OBE, (Founder Trusty) , Agriculture College, Lakhaoti, was from Palipartapur, Bulandshahr. He had son: Kunwar Brijendra Singh,
Kunwar Brijendra Singh had five sons:
1. Retd. Wing Commander Kr. Yogendra Singh is settled at Gurugram. His son is Anurag Officer in Hyundai, Gurgaon.
2. Colonel Kr. Shailendra Singh is settled in Bulandshahr. He has two sons: (i) Maj Pushkar Singh, (ii) Maj Vikas Singh
3. Late Kunwar Pradyuman Singh (Palipartapur). He has two daughters: (i) Mrs Atula, (ii) Mrs Misha, both married
4. Kunwar Shindhul Singh (Palipartapur). He has (i) son Kr. Apoorva Singh, B.Sc. , HM, DOB: 22.8.1998, (ii) daughter Miss Aparna Singh, B.Com, MBA, DOB:23.8.1992
5. Late Kunwar Raghvendra Singh (Govt Contractor) settled in Bulandshahr. He has (i) son Sushmit Sirohi, MBA and (ii) daughter Arti Sirohi, Graduate
Source by - Laxman Singh Sirohi ,Ex Subedar Major 9074161503
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