Rajpura Huddan

Rajpura Huddan(राजपुरा हुड्डान) or Rajpura Hudan (राजपूरा हुडान) is Jat village in Lunkaransar Tehsil of District Bikaner Rajasthan.
Hudda Jats
Jat Gotras
There are more than 400 families residing in this village, and out of them 100 are of Hudda gotra. Other Jat families are Saran, Kookna, Godara, and Shyoran.
Rajpura Huddan is located 90 KM away from Bikaner in north–east direction. It is said that Raju Ram Hudda founded the village, and hence on his name, it is called Rajpura Huddan.
Notable persons
- Dr. Devendra Kumar Chaudhary - He is presently Joint Director, Health of Bikaner Division. Earlier, he remained CM&HO of Bikaner district for more than 10 years. Mobile: 9414171874
- Daulat Ram Chaudhary (Hudda) - Serving in BSF.
- Ramchandra Hudda - Inspector, Mob 9461244855
- Hanuman Ram Hudda - Advocate
- Bhader Ram Hudda - Rajasthan Police
- Sunil Hudda - pursuing MBBS from Wardha, Maharashtra.
- Jeevan Ram Hudda - President,Yuva Mandal Rajpura Huddan and social worker.
- Rajaram Hudda - Businessman and social worker
- Deepa Ram Hudda - Relationship management- 8696856696
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