Ran Singh Dahiya

Ran Singh Dahiya (Sep) (05.05.1947 - 06.12.1971) is a martyr of Indo-Pak War-1971 during Operation Cactus Lily. He was from village Sehri, Kharkhoda Tehsil, district Sonipat in Haryana. Unit: 4 Jat Regiment.
Sepoy Ran Singh Dahiya was born on the 5th of May, 1947 to father Surat Singh Dahiya and mother Mrs. Sukhdei in the Sehri village of Rohtak in the state of present-day Haryana. After young Ran Singh Dahiya had completed his schooling, he joined the Indian army and was enlisted in the 4th Battalion of the Jat Regiment on the 6th of October, 1965.
In the year 1971, the 4 Jat Regiment was a part of the 67 Infantry Brigade and was tasked to defend the Fazilka sector in case of any Pakistani military intrusion through the Suleimanke headworks. At that time, the 67 Brigade had 1 field regiment and 1 medium battery alongside one Independent armored squadron of Sherman tanks alongside one squadron of T-54 tanks.
The Border outposts were held by the BSF. After full-fledged war broke out, Pakistani artillery shelling rained down upon the BSF posts from 6:30pm. At 7:30pm, the Beriwala bridge was under attack and by 8:30pm, the 3 Assam from the 67 Brigade saw that the Pakistani 6 Frontier Force had closed in about 250 yards away to the south of the bridge.
Hence, D Company from the 4 Jat with T-54 tanks launched their first assault on the Pakistanis at Beriwala bridge. The counterattack was partially successful and the next target for the battalion was to take out the 6 Frontier Force from the lodgement area of the Beriwala bridge. Sepoy Ran Singh Dahiya moved up with his battalion and launched a much heavy counter-attack on the night of 4 December.
At first, 4 Jat captured the Gurmukha Hera village in their advance but was pinned down due to heavy Pakistani artillery and machine gun fire. This attack was extremely costly for the 4 Jat as they had 14 men killed, with 21 wounded and 8 missing in action or captured. Sepoy Ran Singh Dahiya had survived and was still in the fight. By the morning of 5 December, the 4 Jat held on to the Gurmukha Hera village, with one company from the Battalion moved in from Fazilka town to rejoin the Battalion.
On the night of 5-6 December, Sepoy Dahiya alongside the rest of the Battalion with two troops of T-54 tanks launched a heavy assault on the Pakistanis at Beriwala bridge. The assault was supported by artillery fire but the 6 Frontier Force resisted heavily, and unfortunately, the attack of the 4 Jat failed again. Sepoy Dahiya was amongst the 19 men killed including Major Narayan Singh and the 4 Jat by now having about 45 wounded.
The 4 Jat later fought on to the extensive defense of Fazilka sector, and gained the name “Saviours of Fazilka”. 82 soldiers from the 67 Infantry Brigade were killed in action, who were cremated together in a pyre made at Asafwala village on the 18th of December, 1971. Now, the ‘Shaheedo Ki Samadh Committee Asafwala”, manages the maintenance of this War memorial, where the people of Fazilka pay tribute every year to the fallen 82, including Sepoy Ran Singh Dahiya.
सिपाही रण सिंह दहिया का जीवन परिचय
सिपाही रण सिंह दहिया
05-05-1947 - 06-12-1971
सर्विस नंबर - 3155266
वीरांगना - श्रीमती प्रकाशी देवी
यूनिट - 4 जाट रेजिमेंट
ऑपरेशन कैक्टस लिली
भारत-पाक युद्ध 1971
सिपाही रण सिंह दहिया का जन्म अविभाजित पंजाब (अब हरियाणा) के रोहतक (वर्तमान सोनीपत) जिले की रोहतक (वर्तमान खारखोदा) तहसील के सेहरी गांव में चौधरी सूरत सिंह दहिया एवं श्रीमती सुखदेई के परिवार में हुआ था। शिक्षा प्राप्ति के पश्चात 6 अक्टूबर 1965 को वह भारतीय सेना की जाट रेजिमेंट में सिपाही के पद पर भर्ती हुए थे। उन्हें 4 बटालियन में नियुक्त किया गया था।
यद्यपि 1971 का भारत-पाक युद्ध 3 दिसंबर 1971 को आरंभ हुआ था, परंतु बहुत समय पहले से ही सीमाओं पर झड़पें और लड़ाईयां हो रही थी। 10 अक्टूबर 1971 से ही वह मोर्चे पर तैनात थे।
6 दिसंबर 1971 को पंजाब सीमा पर फाजिल्का सेक्टर में अदम्य साहस, दृढ़ निश्चय और वीरता से लड़ते हुए सिपाही रण सिंह वीरगति को प्राप्त हुए थे।
सिपाही रण सिंह दहिया के बलिदान को भारत में युगों-युगों तक स्मरण किया जाएगा।
शहीद को सम्मान
शहीद स्मारक
चित्र गैलरी
सिपाही रण सिंह दहिया
सिपाही रण सिंह दहिया के बलिदान दिवस पर वीरांगना श्रीमती प्रकाशी देवी अपनी श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करते हुए।
बाहरी कड़ियाँ
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