Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 25
Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 25: English
Vaisampayana said,--"that heroic and foremost of the Pandavas endued with great energy, crossing the White mountains, subjugated the country of the Kimpurushas ruled by Darunaputra, after a collision involving a great slaughter of Kshatriyas, and brought the region under his complete sway. Having reduced that country, the son of Indra (Arjuna) with a collected mind marched at the head of his troops to the country called Hataka, ruled by the Guhyakas. Subjugating them by a policy of conciliation, the Kuru prince beheld (in that region) that excellent of lakes called Manasa and various other lakes and tanks sacred to the Rishis. And the exalted prince having arrived at the lake Manasa conquered the regions ruled by the Gandharvas that lay around the Hataka territories. Here the conqueror took, as tribute from the country, numerous excellent horses called Tittiri, Kalmasha, Manduka. At last the son of the slayer of Paka, arriving in the country of North Harivarsha desired to conquer it. Thereupon certain frontier-guards of huge bodies and endued with great strength and energy, coming to him with gallant hearts, said, 'O son of Pritha, this
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country can be never conquered by thee. If thou seekest thy good, return hence. He that entereth this region, if human, is sure to perish. We have been gratified with thee; O hero, thy conquests have been enough. Nor is anything to be seen here, O Arjuna, that may be conquered by thee. The Northern Kurus live here. There cannot be war here. Even if thou enterest it, thou will not be able to behold anything, for with human eyes nothing can be seen here. If, however thou seekest anything else, O Bharata tell us, O tiger among men, so that we may do thy bidding. Thus addressed by them, Arjuna smilingly addressing them, said,--'I desire the acquisition of the imperial dignity by Yudhishthira the just, of great intelligence. If your land is shut against human beings, I shall not enter it. Let something be paid unto Yudhishthira by ye as tribute. Hearing these words of Arjuna, they gave him as tribute many cloths and ornaments of celestial make, silks of celestial texture and skins of celestial origin.
"It was thus that tiger among men subjugated the countries that lay to the North, having fought numberless battles with both Kshatriya and robber tribes. And having vanquished the chiefs and brought them under his sway he exacted from them much wealth, various gems and jewels, the horses of the species called Tittiri and Kalmasha, as also those of the colour of the parrot's wings and those that were like the peacocks in hue and all endued with the speed of the wind. And surrounded, O king, by a large army consisting of the four kinds of forces, the hero came back to the excellent city of Shakraprastha. And Partha offered the whole of that wealth, together with the animals he had brought, unto Yudhishthira the just. And commanded by the monarch, the hero retired to a chamber of the palace for rest."
Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 25: Sanskrit
1 [व]
स शवेतपर्वतं वीरः समतिक्रम्य भारत थेशं किं पुरुषावासं दरुमपुत्रेण रक्षितम 2 महता संनिपातेन कषत्रियान्तकरेण ह वयजयत पाण्डवश्रेष्ठः करे चैव नयवेशयत 3 तं जित्वाहाटकं नाम थेशं गुह्यक रक्षितम पाकशासनिर अव्यग्रः सह सैन्यः समासथत 4 तांस तु सान्त्वेन निर्जित्य मानसं सर उत्तमम ऋषिकुल्याश च ताः सर्वा थथर्श कुरुनन्थनः 5 सरॊ मानसम आसाथ्य हाटकान अभितः परभुः गन्धर्वरक्षितं थेशं वयजयत पाण्डवस ततः 6 तत्र तित्तिरि कल्माषान मण्डूकाक्षान हयॊत्तमान लेभे स करम अत्यन्तं गन्धर्वनगरात तथा 7 उत्तरं हरिवर्षं तु समासाथ्य स पाण्डवः इयेष जेतुं तं थेशं पाकशासननन्थनः 8 तत एनं महाकाया महावीर्या महाबलाः थवारपालाः समासाथ्य हृष्टा वचनम अब्रुवन 9 पार्द नेथं तवया शक्यं पुरं जेतुं कदं चन उपावर्तस्व कल्याण पर्याप्तम इथम अच्युत 10 इथं पुरं यः परविशेथ धरुवं स न भवेन नरः परीयामहे तवया वीर पर्याप्तॊ विजयस तव 11 न चापि किं चिज जेतव्यम अर्जुनात्र परथृश्यते उत्तराः कुरवॊ हय एते नात्र युथ्धं परवर्तते 12 परविष्टश चापि कौन्तेय नेह थरक्ष्यसि किं चन न हि मानुषथेहेन शक्यम अत्राभिवीक्षितुम 13 अदेह पुरुषव्याघ्र किं चिथ अन्यच चिकीर्षसि तथ बरवीहि करिष्यामॊ वचनात तव भारत 14 ततस तान अब्रवीथ राजन्न अर्जुनः पाकशासनिः पार्दिवत्वं चिकीर्षामि धर्मराजस्य धीमतः 15 न परवेक्ष्यामि वॊ थेशं बाध्यत्वं यथि मानुषैः युधिष्ठिराय तत किं चित करवन नः परथीयताम 16 ततॊ थिव्यानि वस्त्राणि थिव्यान्य आभरणानि च मॊकाजिनानि थिव्यानि तस्मै ते परथथुः करम 17 एवं स पुरुषव्याघ्रॊ विजिग्ये थिशम उत्तराम संग्रामान सुबहून कृत्वा कषत्रियैर थस्युभिस तदा 18 स विनिर्जित्य राज्ञस तान करे च विनिवेश्य ह धनान्य आधाय सर्वेभ्यॊ रत्नानि विविधानि च 19 हयांस तित्तिरि कल्माषाञ शुकपत्रनिभान अपि मयूरसथृशांश चान्यान सर्वान अनिलरंहसः 20 वृतः सुमहता राजन बलेन चतुरङ्गिणा आजगाम पुनर वीरः शक्रप्रस्थं पुरॊत्तमम
Note: More places subjugated by Arjuna are mentioned in this version - महाभारतम्-02-सभापर्व-029
Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 25: Transliteration
1 [v]
sa śvetaparvataṃ vīraḥ samatikramya bhārata deśaṃ kiṃ puruṣāvāsaṃ drumaputreṇa rakṣitam 2 mahatā saṃnipātena kṣatriyāntakareṇa ha vyajayat pāṇḍavaśreṣṭhaḥ kare caiva nyaveśayat 3 taṃ jitvā hāṭakaṃ nāma deśaṃ guhyaka rakṣitam pākaśāsanir avyagraḥ saha sainyaḥ samāsadat 4 tāṃs tu sāntvena nirjitya mānasaṃ sara uttamam ṛṣikulyāś ca tāḥ sarvā dadarśa kurunandanaḥ 5 saro mānasam āsādya hāṭakān abhitaḥ prabhuḥ gandharvarakṣitaṃ deśaṃ vyajayat pāṇḍavas tataḥ 6 tatra tittiri kalmāṣān maṇḍūkākṣān hayottamān lebhe sa karam atyantaṃ gandharvanagarāt tadā 7 uttaraṃ harivarṣaṃ tu samāsādya sa pāṇḍavaḥ iyeṣa jetuṃ taṃ deśaṃ pākaśāsananandanaḥ 8 tata enaṃ mahākāyā mahāvīryā mahābalāḥ dvārapālāḥ samāsādya hṛṣṭā vacanam abruvan 9 pārtha nedaṃ tvayā śakyaṃ puraṃ jetuṃ kathaṃ cana upāvartasva kalyāṇa paryāptam idam acyuta 10 idaṃ puraṃ yaḥ praviśed dhruvaṃ sa na bhaven naraḥ prīyāmahe tvayā vīra paryāpto vijayas tava 11 na cāpi kiṃ cij jetavyam arjunātra pradṛśyate uttarāḥ kuravo hy ete nātra yuddhaṃ pravartate 12 praviṣṭaś cāpi kaunteya neha drakṣyasi kiṃ cana na hi mānuṣadehena śakyam atrābhivīkṣitum 13 atheha puruṣavyāghra kiṃ cid anyac cikīrṣasi tad bravīhi kariṣyāmo vacanāt tava bhārata 14 tatas tān abravīd rājann arjunaḥ pākaśāsaniḥ pārthivatvaṃ cikīrṣāmi dharmarājasya dhīmataḥ 15 na pravekṣyāmi vo deśaṃ bādhyatvaṃ yadi mānuṣaiḥ yudhiṣṭhirāya tat kiṃ cit karavan naḥ pradīyatām 16 tato divyāni vastrāṇi divyāny ābharaṇāni ca mokājināni divyāni tasmai te pradaduḥ karam 17 evaṃ sa puruṣavyāghro vijigye diśam uttarām saṃgrāmān subahūn kṛtvā kṣatriyair dasyubhis tathā 18 sa vinirjitya rājñas tān kare ca viniveśya ha dhanāny ādhāya sarvebhyo ratnāni vividhāni ca 19 hayāṃs tittiri kalmāṣāñ śukapatranibhān api mayūrasadṛśāṃś cānyān sarvān anilaraṃhasaḥ 20 vṛtaḥ sumahatā rājan balena caturaṅgiṇā ājagāma punar vīraḥ śakra prasthaṃ purottamam
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