Sakhoon Jaipur
- For Gotra see Sakhoon

Sakhoon (साखून) or Sakhun (साखून) village is in Dudu tahsil of Jaipur district in Rajasthan.
It is located a few kms north of Jaipur - Ajmer Road in north-west of Dudu town. Its population is 5,172. Pincode - 303349. Geo-Coordinates: N 26.76 E 75.28
Jat Gotras
Dr. Ziyaud-Din Abdul-Hayy Desai (b. 18 May 1925) has provided the most important but sadly neglected source-material for medieval history in his book "Arabic Persian and Urdu Inscriptions of West India". The book has inscriptional information about Junjala at S.No. 122. [1]
The oral tradition tells us that a certain Ransi, whose family adhered Pir Satgur, also became a disciple of Pir Shams. His son, Ajmal (or Ajay Singh), the father of Ramdeo, continued to revere Pir Shams. After visiting Junjala, Jaitgarh and Karel, Pir Shams proceeded to Bichun and Sakhun in Jaipur-Ajmer region. After having initiated Khiwan and Ransi, he went back to Multan. [2]
It find mention in Khangarot history. Khangar’s eighth son, Bhakar Singh of Sakhun, carried the rule. Bhakar Singh’s death is recognized in 1633 by the sati records of one of his wives.history[3]
It is connected by rail Jaipur-Ajmer line.
It is known for Granite Industry.[4]
Notable Persons
- Mr. Ganesh Ram Khoji (Burdak) - A famous person in Dudu Tehsil. He bears the title of Dairy President of Jaipur Dairy (Saras Dairy) of Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation Ltd.
External links
- ↑ Arabic Persian and Urdu Inscriptions of West India by Dr.Z.A. Desai, ISBN : 8175740515, Edition : 1st Edition Place : New Delhi, 1999
- ↑ Golden Jubilee Darbar Visits 2007-2008 - Shia Imami Nizari Ismaili ...
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