Santour (सांतौर) or Santor (सांतौर) is Jat village in Tehsil and district Charkhi Dadri of Haryana state. Nearby village is Sarupgarh. So both these villages are often called as Sarupgarh-Santour.
Note - Before 2017, this village was part of Bhiwani district (Charkhi Dadri district was created on 1 November 2016).
Jat Gotras
It gets name from Shantanu of Mahabharata period. A few Mahala Jat families from this village migrated to settle permanently at village Bilawal district Bhiwani.
2086 persons (2011 Census)[1]
Notable persons
- Ram Das Mahla: Indian Forest Service (1988), D O B: 2-2-1962, Cadre: Madhya Pradesh
External Links
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