Saraya is a village in tehsil Chandpur of district Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh.
This village was established almost 700 years before. There are four villages of Tomar gotra here: Saraya, Mustafabad, Hisampur and Kelanpur. There actual gotra is Tanwar vansh k kapede, something like this. Main occupation in this village is farming. Only Jats are dominant in this village and they have greater part of land here. This Village has great tallented villagers.
Jat gotras
Notable persons
- Lokesh Tomar - Manager - Govt. Of India.
- Ankit Tomar - Manager (Union Bank of India), Net Qualified, M.Com - Jamia University, - RAMJAS COLLEGE Delhi University.
- Vineet Tomar - IAS 2014 BATCH, Ex-IOFS Officer - Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India, Ex-Asst. Director - Govt. of India New Delhi, Ex-Asst. Executive Engineer-ONGC, IIT Delhi.
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