Sewa Nagaur
Sewa (सेवा) is a medium-size village in Didwana tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
It is situated 12km away from Didwana town and 112km away from Nagaur city. Soopka is the gram panchayat of Sewa village. PIN Code of Sewa village is: 341303.
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 372 families residing, Sewa village has the population of 2266 (of which 1208 are males while 1058 are females).[1]
Daulatpura copper plate of Partihar Bhojadeva of V.S. 900 (943 AD)
Ref - (Ep. Ind., Vol. V, p, 208,)
Daulatpura Copper plate inscription of v.s. 900 found in Sewa village near Didwana in Nagaur, Rajasthan. The main object of this plate is the renewal of grant which was orignially issued [granted] by great grandfather of Maharaj Vatsrajdeo and continued by Maharaj Nagbhattadeva, both Pratihar rulers. This grant according to the inscription is renewed by Maharaj Bhojdev. line 3 states: ".... maharaj shri vatsraj.devastasya putr .... statpadhanudhyat shri sundri devyamutpanam"[2]
The Daulatpura plates (Ep. Ind., Vol. V, p, 208,) also lead to the same conclusion. It renews the grant of a piece of land in Gurjaratra which was originally made by Vatsaraja and continued by Nagabhata II but had fallen into abeyance in the reign of Bhoja. This seems to indicate that the province was held by Vatsaraja [Page-47] and Nagabhata II but lost by Ramabhadra and regained by Bhoja, sometime before 843 A. D., the date of the inscription.
The Daulatpura plate of the Pratihara king Bhojadeva I, dated in the Vikrama year 900, refers to Dutaka Yuvaraja Nagabhata. Records of other families refer to crown princes discharging the same function. Sometimes this office was combined with that of a Dandapasika (an official connected with police and judiciary). Dandapasika Amaraditya was the Dutaka of the Ahar stone inscription. [3]
Jat gotras
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