Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Sureban or Suribana is a village in Ramdurg Taluk in Belgaum district of Northern Karnataka, India. Usually the place is referred to as Sureban-Manihal (Manihal being the neighbouring village). They are separate villages, but in spirit are the same. It is located on Ram Van Gaman Path.
- Shabari Kolla
- Sureban-Manihal
- Suribana
- Kannada ಸುರೇಬಾನ
- Shabari Vana
The name Sureban is said to be derived from the phrase Shabari Vana (Shabari's Garden). There is a belief that Shabari was waiting for Lord Rama a place nearby Sureban. The area is popularly known as 'Shabari Kolla'. Locals worship Shabari as Mother and there is a Temple dedicated to her.
Sureban is a small Village/hamlet in Ramdurg Taluk in Belgaum District of Karnataka State, India. It comes under Sureban Panchayath. It belongs to Belgaum Division . It is located 110 KM towards East from District head quarters Belgaum. 16 KM from Ramdurg. Sureban Pin code is 591127 and postal head office is Sureban. Sangal ( 4 KM ) , Hosakeri ( 6 KM ) , Ghatakanur ( 8 KM ) , Mullur ( 11 KM ) , Ramdurg ( 14 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Sureban. Sureban is surrounded by Naragund Taluk towards South , Badami Taluk towards East , Navalgund Taluk towards South , Parasgad Taluk towards west.[1]
Description of village
The houses are mainly constructed with mud and wood (pillars and rafters). The traditional mud houses exist even today, although a few houses have been converted to concrete. The ochre mud houses are a traditional local style.
Sureban is famous for its weavers' community. There are several local handlooms and powerlooms. Their sarees are famous for their checker and lines patterns. Locally made polycotton sarees are famous.
There are two major communities in Sureban. Devanga community (Vegetarians, worship at the Banashankari temple) and the Jada community (Non vegetarians, worship at the Chowdeshwari temple). Both of them belong to the weavers' community. They do not have any disputes among themselves.
The 'Santhe' (Temporary Market) takes place on Tuesdays and Fridays. People can buy vegetables, fruits, sweets, dresses etc. from people who are from nearby villages.
Shabari Kolla is a favorite picnic spot nearby. It is located between the hills around 3.0 km from Sureban village heading towards Ramdurg, Shabari mata's temple which is worshiped by all the people is situated here. It is a place with full of trees and two beautiful ponds beside the temple. People used to come to this place in summer season to enjoy swimming in ponds. There is small pond connecting to the main pond. The water level in the pond remains the same throughout the year.
Sureban is also the one among the few places in India where 'Chitha Basma' (Ashes) of Mahatma Gandhi has been kept.
Manihal is famous for Ashrams of Shree Shivanand Swamiji and Shree Atmanand Swamiji.
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[2] ने लेख किया है ...सुरोवनम् (AS, p.978): किष्किन्धा के निकट शबरी के आश्रम के रूप में यह स्थान प्रसिद्ध है. यहां श्रीराम-लक्ष्मण के मंदिर में शबरी की मूर्ति भी स्थित है (देखें किष्किंधा; सबरीमलाई). शबरी का आश्रम पंपासरोवर के निकट था (शबरी के आश्रम का वाल्मीकि रामायण में जो लेख है उसके लिए देखें पंपसर). अध्यात्म रामायण में शबरी और राम के मिलन की कथा अरण्यकांड, दशम स्वर्ग में सविस्तार दी हुई है जिसका कुछ इस प्रकार है-- 'त्यक्त्वा तद्विपिनं घोरं सिंहव्याघ्रादिदूषितम्। शनैरथाश्रमपदं शबर्या रघुनन्दनः। शबरी राममालोक्य लक्ष्मणेन समन्वितम्। आयान्तमाराद्धर्षेण प्रत्युत्थायाचिरेण सा। सम्पूज्य विधिवद्रामं ससौमित्रिं सपर्यया। सङ्गृहीतानि दिव्यानि रामार्थं शबरी मुदा। फलान्यमृतकल्पानि ददौ रामाय भक्तितः। पादौ सम्पूज्य कुसुमैः सुगन्धैः सानुलेपनैः। अरण्यकांड 10,4-5-8-9. तुलसीदास रामचरितमानस, अरण्यकांड में लिखते हैं- 'ताहि देई गति राम उदारा, शबरी के आश्रम पगुधारा। शबरी देख राम गृह आए, मुनि के वचन समुझि जिय भाए। सरसिज लोचन बाहु विशाला, जटा-मुकुट सिर उर बन माला। कंद मूल फल सुरस अति, दिए राम कहु आनि, प्रेम सहित प्रभु खाए हाय बारंबार बखानि।'.