
Sonai (सोनई) or Shahjadpur Tappa Sonai is a village in tahsil Mat of Mathura district in Uttar Pradesh.
Shahjadpur Tappa Sonai is a small Village/hamlet in Raya Block in Mathura District of Uttar Pradesh State, India. It comes under Shahjadpur Tappa Sonia Panchayath. It belongs to Agra Division . It is located 4 KM towards East from District head quarters Mathura, 14 KM from Raya, 385 KM from State capital Lucknow. Shahjadpur Tappa Sonai Pin code is 281204 and postal head office is Raya. Raipur Mai Banger ( 2 KM ) , Shahpur Gausana ( 2 KM ) , Isapur Banger ( 3 KM ) , Choubey Para ( 3 KM ) , Krishna Puri Colony ( 3 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Shahjadpur Tappa Sonai. Shahjadpur Tappa Sonai is surrounded by Mathura Block towards west , Raya Block towards East , Mat Block towards North , Baldeo Block towards East .
Mathura , Vrindavan , Sadabad , Hathras are the near by Cities to Shahjadpur Tappa Sonai.
Jat Gotras
- Dusad (दुसाध)
Shahjadpur Tappa Sonai 2011 Census Details - Shahjadpur Tappa Sonai Local Language is Hindi. Shahjadpur Tappa Sonai Village Total population is and number of houses are . Female Population is -1.0%. Village literacy rate is -1.0% and the Female Literacy rate is -1.0%.
Notable persons
- Poornashramji (1838-1903) पूर्नाश्रमजी , born at village Sonai, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. योगिराज श्री पूर्नाश्रमजी (अलख-झालाख जी), जन्म 1838 ई. - निर्वाण 1903 ई. गाँव सोनई जिला मथुरा उत्तर प्रदेश के एक धनी जाट परिवार में पैदा हुए. उच्च कोटि की वैराग्यवास्था में रहे.
- Kanchan Veer Singh Dusad ADO (Agriculture)
External links
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