Shalya Parva, Mahabharata/Book IX Chapter 43

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Mahabharata Book IX Chapter 43:English

Section 44: Birth of Kartikeya or Skanda

Janamejaya said, "Thou hast described the merits of the Sarasvati, O best of Brahmanas! It behoveth thee, O regenerate one, to describe to me the investiture of Kumara (by the gods). Great is the curiosity I feel. Tell me everything, therefore, about the time when and the place where and the manner in which the adorable and puissant lord Skanda was invested (with the command of the celestial forces). Tell me also, O foremost of speakers, who they were that invested him and who performed the actual rites, and how the celestial generalissimo made a great carnage of the Daityas!"

Vaishampayana said, "This curiosity that thou feelest is worthy of thy birth in Kuru's race. The words that I shall speak, will, O Janamejaya, be conducive to thy pleasure. I shall narrate to thee the story of the investiture of Kumara and the prowess of that high-souled one, since, O ruler of men thou wishest to hear it! In days of yore the vital seed of Maheshvara coming out, fell into a blazing fire. The consumer of everything, the adorable Agni, could not burn that indestructible seed. On the other hand, the bearer of sacrificial libations, in consequence of that seed, became possessed of great energy and splendour. He could not bear within himself that, seed of mighty energy. At the command of Brahman, the lord Agni, approaching (the river) Ganga, threw into her that divine seed possessed of the effulgence of the Sun. Ganga also, unable to hold it, cast it on the beautiful breast of Himavat that is worshipped by the celestials. Thereupon Agni's son began to grow there, overwhelming all the worlds by his energy. Meanwhile (the six) Krittikas beheld that child of fiery splendour. Seeing that puissant lord, that high-souled son of Agni, lying on a clump of heath, all the six Krittikas, who were desirous of a son, cried aloud, saying, "This child is mine, this child is mine!" Understanding the state of mind of those six mothers, the adorable lord Skanda sucked the breasts of all having assumed six mouths. Beholding that puissance of the child, the Krittikas, those goddesses of beautiful forms, became filled with wonder. And since the adorable child had been cast by the river Ganga upon the summit of Himavat, that mountain looked beautiful, having, O delighter of the Kurus, been transformed into gold! With that growing child the whole Earth became beautiful, and it was for this reason that mountains (from that time) came to be producers of gold. Possessed of great energy, the child came to be called by the name of Kartikeya. At first he had been called by the name of Gangeya. He became possessed of high ascetic powers. Endued with self-restraint and asceticism and great energy, the child grew up, O monarch, into a person of highly agreeable features like Soma himself. Possessed of great beauty, the child lay on that excellent and golden clump of heath, adored and praised by Gandharvas and ascetics. Celestial girls, by thousands, conversant with celestial music and dance, and of very beautiful features, praised him and danced before him. The foremost of all rivers, Ganga, waited upon that god. The Earth also, assuming great beauty, held the child (on her lap). The celestial priest Brihaspati performed the usual rites after birth, in respect of that child. The Vedas assuming a four-fold form, approached the child with joined hands. The Science of arms, with its four divisions, and all the weapons as also all kinds of arrows, came to him. One day, the child, of great energy, saw that god of gods, the lord of Uma, seated with the daughter of Himavat, amid a swarm of ghostly creatures. Those ghostly creatures, of emaciated bodies, were of wonderful features. They were ugly and of ugly features, and wore awkward ornaments and marks. Their faces were like those of tigers and lions and bears and cats and makaras. Others were of faces like those of scorpions; others of faces like those of elephants and camels and owls. And some had faces like those of vultures and jackals. And some there were that had faces like those of cranes and pigeons and Kurus. And many amongst them had bodies like those of dogs and porcupines and iguanas and goats and sheep and cows. And some resembled mountains and some oceans, and some stood with uplifted discs and maces for their weapons. And some looked like masses of antimony and some like white mountains. The seven Matris also were present there, O monarch, and the Sadhyas, the Viswedevas, the Maruts, the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Siddhas, the Danavas, the birds, the self-born and adorable Brahman with his sons, and Vishnu, and Shakra, all went thither for beholding that child of unfading glory. And many of the foremost of celestials and Gandharvas, headed by Narada and many celestial Rishis and Siddhas headed by Brihaspati, and the fathers of the universe, those foremost ones, they that are regarded as gods of the gods, and the Yamas and the Dharmas, all went there. Endued with great strength, the child possessed of great ascetic power, proceeded to the presence of that Lord of the gods, (Mahadeva), armed with trident and Pinaka. Seeing the child coming, the thought entered the mind of Siva, as it did that of Himavat's daughter and that of Ganga and of Agni, as to whom amongst the four the child would first approach for honouring him or her. Each of them thought, 'He will come to me!' Understanding that this was the expectation cherished by each of those four, he had recourse to his Yoga powers and assumed at the same time four different forms. Indeed the adorable and puissant lord assumed those four forms in an instant. The three forms that stood behind were Sakha and Visakha and Naigameya. The adorable and puissant one, having divided his self into four forms, (proceeded towards the four that sat expecting him). The form called Skanda of wonderful appearance proceeded to the spot where Rudra was sitting. Visakha went to the spot where the divine daughter of Himavat was. The adorable Sakha, which is Kartikeya's Vayu form proceeded towards Agni. Naigameya, that child of fiery splendour, proceeded to the presence of Ganga. All those forms, of similar appearance, were endued with great effulgence. The four forms proceeded calmly to the four gods and goddesses (already mentioned). All this seemed exceedingly wonderful. The gods, the Danavas, and the Rakshasas, made a loud noise at sight of that exceedingly wonderful incident making the very hair to stand on end. Then Rudra and the goddess Uma and Agni, and Ganga, all bowed unto the Grandsire, that Lord of the Universe. Having duly bowed unto him, O bull among kings, they said these words, O monarch, from desire of doing good unto Kartikeya. 'It behoveth thee, O Lord of the gods, to grant to this youth, for the sake of our happiness, some kind of sovereignty that may be suitable to him and that he may desire. At this, the adorable Grandsire of all the worlds, possessed of great intelligence, began to think within his mind as to what he should bestow upon that youth. He had formerly given away unto the formless ones (gods) all kinds of wealth over which the high-souled celestials, the Gandharvas, the Rakshasas, ghosts, Yakshas, birds, and snakes have dominion. Brahma, therefore, regarded that youth to be fully entitled to that dominion (which had been bestowed upon the gods). Having reflected for a moment, the Grandsire, ever mindful of the welfare of the gods, bestowed upon him the status of a generalissimo among all creatures, O Bharata! And the Grandsire further ordered all those gods that were regarded as the chief of the celestials and other formless beings to wait upon him. Then the gods headed by Brahman, taking that youth with them, together came to Himavat. The spot they selected was the bank of the sacred and divine Sarasvati, that foremost of rivers, taking her rise from Himavat, that Sarasvati which, at Samanta-panchaka, is celebrated over the three worlds. There, on the sacred bank, possessing every merit, of the Sarasvati, the gods and the Gandharvas took their seats with hearts well-pleased in consequence of the gratification of all their desires."

Mahabharata Book IX Chapter 43:Sanskrit

 1  [ज]
     सरस्वत्याः परभावॊ ऽयम उक्तस ते थविजसात्तम
     कुमारस्याभिषेकं तु बरह्मन वयाख्यातुम अर्हसि
 2 यस्मिन काले च थेशे च यदा च वथतां वर
     यैश चाभिषिक्तॊ भगवान विधिना येन च परभुः
 3 सकन्थॊ यदा च थैत्यानाम अकरॊत कथनं महत
     तदा मे सर्वम आचक्ष्व परं कौतूहलं हि मे
 4 [वै]
     कुरुवंशस्य सथृशम इथं कौतूहलं तव
     हर्षाम उत्पाथयत्य एतथ वचॊ मे जनमेजय
 5 हन्त ते कदयिष्यामि शृण्वानस्य जनाधिप
     अभिषेकं कुमारस्य परभावं च महात्मनः
 6 तेजॊ माहेश्वरं सकन्नम अग्नौ परपतितं पुरा
     तत सर्वभक्षॊ भगवान नाशकथ थग्धुम अक्षयम
 7 तेनासीथति तेजस्वी थीप्तिमान हव्यहावनः
     न चैव धारयाम आस गर्भं तेजॊमयं तथा
 8 सा गङ्गाम अभिसांगम्य नियॊगाथ बरह्मणः परभुः
     गर्भम आहितवान थिव्यं भास्करॊपम तेजसम
 9 अद गङ्गापि तं गर्भम असहन्ती विधारणे
     उत्ससर्ज गिरौ रम्ये हिमवत्य अमरार्चिते
 10 स तत्र ववृधे लॊकान आवृत्य जवलनात्मजः
    थथृशुर जवलनाकारं तं गर्भम अद कृत्तिकाः
11 शरस्तम्बे महात्मानम अनलात्मजम ईश्वरम
    ममायम इति ताः सर्वाः पुत्रार्दिन्यॊ ऽभिचक्रमुः
12 तासां विथित्वा भावं तं मातॄणां भगवान परभुः
    परस्नुतानां पयः षड्भिर वथनैर अपिबत तथा
13 तं परभावं समालक्ष्य तस्य बालस्य कृत्तिकाः
    परं विस्मयम आपन्ना थेव्यॊ थिव्यवपुर धराः
14 यत्रॊत्सृष्टः स भगवान गङ्गया गिरिमूर्धनि
    स शैलः काञ्चनः सर्वः संबभौ कुरुसत्तम
15 वर्धता चैव गर्भेण पृदिवी तेन रञ्जिता
    अतश च सर्वे संवृत्ता गिरयः काञ्चनाकराः
16 कुमारश च महावीर्यः कार्त्तिकेय इति समृतः
    गाङ्गेयः पूर्वम अभवन महायॊगबलान्वितः
17 स थेवस तपसा चैव वीर्येण च समन्वितः
    ववृधे ऽतीव राजेन्थ्र चन्थ्रवत परियथर्शनः
18 स तस्मिन काञ्चने थिव्ये शरस्तम्बे शरिया वृतः
    सतूयमानस तथा शेते गन्धर्वैर मुनिभिस तदा
19 तदैनम अन्वनृत्यन्त थेवकन्याः सहस्रशः
    थिव्यवाथित्र नृत्तज्ञाः सतुवन्त्यश चारुथर्शनाः
20 अन्वास्ते च नथी थेवं गङ्गा वै सरितां वरा
    थधार पृदिवी चैनं बिभ्रती रूपम उत्तमम
21 जातकर्माथिकास तस्य करियाश चक्रे बृहस्पतिः
    वेथश चैनं चतुर्मूर्तिर उपतस्दे कृताञ्जलिः
22 धनुर्वेथश चतुष्पाथः शस्त्रग्रामः ससंग्रहः
    तदैनं समुपातिष्ठात साक्षाथ वाणी च केवला
23 स थथर्श महावीर्यं थेवथेवम उमापतिम
    शैलपुत्र्या सहासीनं भूतसंघ शतैर वृतम
24 निकाया भूतसंघानां परंमाथ्भुत थर्शनाः
    विकृता विकृताकारा विकृताभरण धवजाः
25 वयाघ्रसिंहर्क्ष वथना बिडाल मकराननाः
    वृषथंश मुखाश चान्ये गजॊष्ट्रवथनास तदा
26 उलूक वथनाः के चिथ गृध्रगॊमायुथर्शनाः
    करौञ्चपारावत निभैर वथनै राङ्कवैर अपि
27 शवावित शक्यक गॊधानां खरैडक गवां तदा
    साथृशानि वपूंष्य अन्ये तत्र तत्र वयधारयन
28 के चिच छैलाम्बुथ परख्याश चक्रालात गथायुधाः
    केच चिथ अञ्जन पुञ्जाभाः के चिच छवेताचलप्रभाः
29 सप्त मातृगणाश चैव समाजग्मुर विशां पते
    साध्या विश्वे ऽद मरुतॊ वसवः पितरस तदा
30 रुथ्राथित्यास तदा सिथ्धा भुजगां थानवाः खगाः
    बरह्मा सवयम्भूर भगवान सपुत्रः सह विष्णुना
31 शक्रस तदाभ्ययाथ थरष्टुं कुमार वरम अच्युतम
    नारथप्रमुखाश चापि थेवगन्धर्वसत्तमाः
32 थेवर्षयश च सिथ्धाश च बृहस्पतिपुरॊगमाः
    ऋब्भवॊ नाम वरथा थेवानाम अपि थेवताः
    ते ऽपि तत्र समाजग्मुर यामा धामाश च सर्वशः
33 स तु बालॊ ऽपि भगवान महायॊगबलान्वितः
    अभ्याजगाम थेवेशं शूलहस्तं पिनाकिनम
34 तम आरजन्तम आलक्ष्य शिवस्यासीन मनॊगतम
    युगपच छैलपुत्र्याश च गङ्गायाः पावकस्य च
35 किं नु पूर्वम अयं बालॊ गौरवाथ अभ्युपैष्यति
    अपि माम इति सर्वेषां तेषाम आसीन मनॊगतम
36 तेषाम एतम अभिप्रायं चतुर्णाम उपलक्ष्य सः
    युगपथ यॊगम आस्दाय ससार्ज विविधास तनूः
37 ततॊ ऽभवच चतुर्मूर्तिः कषणेन भगवान परभुः
    सकन्थः शाखॊ विशाखश च नैगमेषश च पृष्ठतः
38 एवं स कृत्वा हय आत्मानं चतुर्धा भगवान परभुः
    यतॊ रुथ्रस ततः सकन्थॊ जगामाथ्भुत थर्शनः
39 विशाखस तु ययौ येन थेवी गिरिवरात्मजा
    शाखॊ ययौ च भगवान वायुमूर्तिर विभावसुम
    नैगमेषॊ ऽगमथ गङ्गां कुमारः पावकप्रभः
40 सर्वे भास्वरथेहास ते चत्वारः समरूपिणः
    तान समभ्ययुर अव्यग्रास तथ अथ्भुतम इवाभवत
41 हाहाकारॊ महान आसीथ थेवथानवरक्षसाम
    तथ थृष्ट्वा महथ आश्चर्यम अथ्भुतं लॊमहर्षणम
42 ततॊ रुथ्रश च थेवी च पावकश च पितामहम
    गङ्गया सहिताः सर्वे परणिपेतुर जगत्पतिम
43 परणिपत्य ततस ते तु विधिवथ राजपुंगव
    इथम ऊचुर वचॊ राजन कार्त्तिकेय परियेप्सया
44 अस्य बालस्य भगवन्न आधिपत्यं यदेप्सितम
    अस्मिन परियार्दं थेवेश साथृशं थातुम अर्हसि
45 ततः स भगवान धीमान सर्वलॊकपितामहः
    मनसा चिन्तयाम आस किम अयं लभताम इति
46 ऐश्वर्याणि हि सर्वाणि थेवगन्धर्वरक्षसाम
    भूतयक्षविहंगानां पन्नगानां च सर्वशः
47 पूर्वम एवाथिथेशासौ निकायेषु महात्मनाम
    समर्दं च तम ऐश्वर्ये महामतिर अमन्यत
48 ततॊ मुहूर्तं स धयात्वा थेवानां शरेयसि सदितः
    सेनापत्यं थथौ तस्मै सर्वभूतेषु भारत
49 सर्वथेव निकायानां ये राजानः परिश्रुताः
    तान सर्वान वयाथिथेशास्मै सर्वभूतपितामहः
50 ततः कुमारम आथाय थेवा बरह्मपुरॊगमाः
    अभिषेकार्दम आजग्मुः शैलेन्थ्रं सहितास ततः
51 पुण्यां हैमवतीं थेवीं सरिच्छ्रेष्ठां सरस्वतीम
    समन्तपञ्चके या वै तरिषु लॊकेषु विश्रुता
52 तत्र तीरे सरस्वत्याः पुण्ये सर्वगुणान्विते
    निषेथुर थेवगन्धर्वाः सर्वे संपूर्णमानसाः

Mahabharata Book IX Chapter 43:Transliteration

1  [j]
     sarasvatyāḥ prabhāvo 'yam uktas te dvijasāttama
     kumārasyābhiṣekaṃ tu brahman vyākhyātum arhasi
 2 yasmin kāle ca deśe ca yathā ca vadatāṃ vara
     yaiś cābhiṣikto bhagavān vidhinā yena ca prabhuḥ
 3 skando yathā ca daityānām akarot kadanaṃ mahat
     tathā me sarvam ācakṣva paraṃ kautūhalaṃ hi me
 4 [vai]
     kuruvaṃśasya sadṛśam idaṃ kautūhalaṃ tava
     harṣām utpādayaty etad vaco me janamejaya
 5 hanta te kathayiṣyāmi śṛṇvānasya janādhipa
     abhiṣekaṃ kumārasya prabhāvaṃ ca mahātmanaḥ
 6 tejo māheśvaraṃ skannam agnau prapatitaṃ purā
     tat sarvabhakṣo bhagavān nāśakad dagdhum akṣayam
 7 tenāsīdati tejasvī dīptimān havyahāvanaḥ
     na caiva dhārayām āsa garbhaṃ tejomayaṃ tadā
 8 sā gaṅgām abhisāṃgamya niyogād brahmaṇaḥ prabhuḥ
     garbham āhitavān divyaṃ bhāskaropama tejasam
 9 atha gaṅgāpi taṃ garbham asahantī vidhāraṇe
     utsasarja girau ramye himavaty amarārcite
 10 sa tatra vavṛdhe lokān āvṛtya jvalanātmajaḥ
    dadṛśur jvalanākāraṃ taṃ garbham atha kṛttikāḥ
11 śarastambe mahātmānam analātmajam īśvaram
    mamāyam iti tāḥ sarvāḥ putrārthinyo 'bhicakramuḥ
12 tāsāṃ viditvā bhāvaṃ taṃ mātṝṇāṃ bhagavān prabhuḥ
    prasnutānāṃ payaḥ ṣaḍbhir vadanair apibat tadā
13 taṃ prabhāvaṃ samālakṣya tasya bālasya kṛttikāḥ
    paraṃ vismayam āpannā devyo divyavapur dharāḥ
14 yatrotsṛṣṭaḥ sa bhagavān gaṅgayā girimūrdhani
    sa śailaḥ kāñcanaḥ sarvaḥ saṃbabhau kurusattama
15 vardhatā caiva garbheṇa pṛthivī tena rañjitā
    ataś ca sarve saṃvṛttā girayaḥ kāñcanākarāḥ
16 kumāraś ca mahāvīryaḥ kārttikeya iti smṛtaḥ
    gāṅgeyaḥ pūrvam abhavan mahāyogabalānvitaḥ
17 sa devas tapasā caiva vīryeṇa ca samanvitaḥ
    vavṛdhe 'tīva rājendra candravat priyadarśanaḥ
18 sa tasmin kāñcane divye śarastambe śriyā vṛtaḥ
    stūyamānas tadā śete gandharvair munibhis tathā
19 tathainam anvanṛtyanta devakanyāḥ sahasraśaḥ
    divyavāditra nṛttajñāḥ stuvantyaś cārudarśanāḥ
20 anvāste ca nadī devaṃ gaṅgā vai saritāṃ varā
    dadhāra pṛthivī cainaṃ bibhratī rūpam uttamam
21 jātakarmādikās tasya kriyāś cakre bṛhaspatiḥ
    vedaś cainaṃ caturmūrtir upatasthe kṛtāñjaliḥ
22 dhanurvedaś catuṣpādaḥ śastragrāmaḥ sasaṃgrahaḥ
    tathainaṃ samupātiṣṭhāt sākṣād vāṇī ca kevalā
23 sa dadarśa mahāvīryaṃ devadevam umāpatim
    śailaputryā sahāsīnaṃ bhūtasaṃgha śatair vṛtam
24 nikāyā bhūtasaṃghānāṃ paraṃmādbhuta darśanāḥ
    vikṛtā vikṛtākārā vikṛtābharaṇa dhvajāḥ
25 vyāghrasiṃharkṣa vadanā biḍāla makarānanāḥ
    vṛṣadaṃśa mukhāś cānye gajoṣṭravadanās tathā
26 ulūka vadanāḥ ke cid gṛdhragomāyudarśanāḥ
    krauñcapārāvata nibhair vadanai rāṅkavair api
27 śvāvit śakyaka godhānāṃ kharaiḍaka gavāṃ tathā
    sādṛśāni vapūṃṣy anye tatra tatra vyadhārayan
28 ke cic chailāmbuda prakhyāś cakrālāta gadāyudhāḥ
    kec cid añjana puñjābhāḥ ke cic chvetācalaprabhāḥ
29 sapta mātṛgaṇāś caiva samājagmur viśāṃ pate
    sādhyā viśve 'tha maruto vasavaḥ pitaras tathā
30 rudrādityās tathā siddhā bhujagāṃ dānavāḥ khagāḥ
    brahmā svayambhūr bhagavān saputraḥ saha viṣṇunā
31 śakras tathābhyayād draṣṭuṃ kumāra varam acyutam
    nāradapramukhāś cāpi devagandharvasattamāḥ
32 devarṣayaś ca siddhāś ca bṛhaspatipurogamāḥ
    ṛbbhavo nāma varadā devānām api devatāḥ
    te 'pi tatra samājagmur yāmā dhāmāś ca sarvaśaḥ
33 sa tu bālo 'pi bhagavān mahāyogabalānvitaḥ
    abhyājagāma deveśaṃ śūlahastaṃ pinākinam
34 tam ārajantam ālakṣya śivasyāsīn manogatam
    yugapac chailaputryāś ca gaṅgāyāḥ pāvakasya ca
35 kiṃ nu pūrvam ayaṃ bālo gauravād abhyupaiṣyati
    api mām iti sarveṣāṃ teṣām āsīn manogatam
36 teṣām etam abhiprāyaṃ caturṇām upalakṣya saḥ
    yugapad yogam āsthāya sasārja vividhās tanūḥ
37 tato 'bhavac caturmūrtiḥ kṣaṇena bhagavān prabhuḥ
    skandaḥ śākho viśākhaś ca naigameṣaś ca pṛṣṭhataḥ
38 evaṃ sa kṛtvā hy ātmānaṃ caturdhā bhagavān prabhuḥ
    yato rudras tataḥ skando jagāmādbhuta darśanaḥ
39 viśākhas tu yayau yena devī girivarātmajā
    śākho yayau ca bhagavān vāyumūrtir vibhāvasum
    naigameṣo 'gamad gaṅgāṃ kumāraḥ pāvakaprabhaḥ
40 sarve bhāsvaradehās te catvāraḥ samarūpiṇaḥ
    tān samabhyayur avyagrās tad adbhutam ivābhavat
41 hāhākāro mahān āsīd devadānavarakṣasām
    tad dṛṣṭvā mahad āścaryam adbhutaṃ lomaharṣaṇam
42 tato rudraś ca devī ca pāvakaś ca pitāmaham
    gaṅgayā sahitāḥ sarve praṇipetur jagatpatim
43 praṇipatya tatas te tu vidhivad rājapuṃgava
    idam ūcur vaco rājan kārttikeya priyepsayā
44 asya bālasya bhagavann ādhipatyaṃ yathepsitam
    asmin priyārthaṃ deveśa sādṛśaṃ dātum arhasi
45 tataḥ sa bhagavān dhīmān sarvalokapitāmahaḥ
    manasā cintayām āsa kim ayaṃ labhatām iti
46 aiśvaryāṇi hi sarvāṇi devagandharvarakṣasām
    bhūtayakṣavihaṃgānāṃ pannagānāṃ ca sarvaśaḥ
47 pūrvam evādideśāsau nikāyeṣu mahātmanām
    samarthaṃ ca tam aiśvarye mahāmatir amanyata
48 tato muhūrtaṃ sa dhyātvā devānāṃ śreyasi sthitaḥ
    senāpatyaṃ dadau tasmai sarvabhūteṣu bhārata
49 sarvadeva nikāyānāṃ ye rājānaḥ pariśrutāḥ
    tān sarvān vyādideśāsmai sarvabhūtapitāmahaḥ
50 tataḥ kumāram ādāya devā brahmapurogamāḥ
    abhiṣekārtham ājagmuḥ śailendraṃ sahitās tataḥ
51 puṇyāṃ haimavatīṃ devīṃ saricchreṣṭhāṃ sarasvatīm
    samantapañcake yā vai triṣu lokeṣu viśrutā
52 tatra tīre sarasvatyāḥ puṇye sarvaguṇānvite
    niṣedur devagandharvāḥ sarve saṃpūrṇamānasāḥ


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