
From Jatland Wiki
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Shubhrakuta (शुभ्रकूट) is a mountain mentioned in Mahavansha located in Mandadvipa or Sinhala country in Sri Lanka.



In Mahavansha

Mahavansa/Chapter 15 mentions .....`The Mahamegha-grove was called (at that time) Mahasagara; the capital, named Visãla, lay toward the West. Jayanta was the name of the king of that region then, and this isle bore then the name of Mandadipa.

`At that time a hideous and life-destroying war had broken out between king Jayanta and his younger royal brother. When Kassapa, gifted with the ten powers, the Sage, full of compassion, knew how great was the wretchedness caused to beings by this war, then, to bring it to an end and afterwards to achieve the converting of beings and progress of the doctrine in this island, he, urged on by the might of his compassion, came through the air surrounded by twenty thousand (disciples) like to himself, and he stood on the Subhakuta-mountain.

`Standing there, O king of men, the King of the Wise, the Great Sage, proclaimed his will: "All men in Mandadipa shall see me this day; and if they only desire to come (to me) all men shall draw near to me without trouble and speedily."


शुभ्रकूट (AS, p.905): शुभ्रकूट लंका स्थित एक पर्वत। महावंश 15,131 में वर्णित मंडद्वीप या सिंहल देश का एक पर्वत, जहां कश्यप बुद्ध बीस सहस्त्र अर्हतों के साथ आकाश मार्ग से आकर उतरे थे। [1]

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