Sikhera Baghpat
- For similar named villages see Sikhera
Sikhera (सिखेड़ा) is a village in Pilana tehsil of Baghpat district in Uttar Pradesh.
Village - Sikhera (सिखेड़ा), Block - Pilana Tehsil and District - Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh. Pincode 250615, P.O.- Dhikauli. Village Sikhera is a Gram Panchayat Village , it covers the village Sikhera and Pathauli. आसपास के गांव - पथौली , लतीफपुर - दत्त नगर , मुराद गांव उर्फ रोशन गढ़ , धिकौली , बसे टिकरी , खट्टा प्रहलाद पुर , सलावतपुर खेरी , कल्याण पुर , उकोली , पंछी , दौलतपुर , कहरका , सुल्तानपुर ,महरामपुर
Jat Gotras
- Tomar (तोमर)
Population - As per census 2011 , village Sikhera population is 1357 and houses are 221
Notable persons
- ओमवीर प्रधान
- अभिषेक चौधरी
External Links
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