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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Suparshva (सुपार्श्व) is the name of a mountain on the eastern side of mount Meru.




Source: Wisdom Library: Bhagavata Purana

Supārśva (सुपार्श्व):—Son of Dṛḍhanemi (son of Satyadhṛti). He had a son called Sumati. (see Bhāgavata Purāṇa 9.21.27-29) Source: Wisdom Library: Varāha-purāṇa

1) Supārśva (सुपार्श्व) is the name of a mountain on the eastern side of mount Meru, according to the Varāhapurāṇa chapter 75. Meru is one of the seven mountains located in Jambūdvīpa, which is ruled over by Āgnīdhra, a grandson of Svāyambhuva Manu, who was created by Brahmā, who was in turn created by Nārāyaṇa, the unknowable all-pervasive primordial being. On the peak of mount Supārśva stands a Aśvatta tree hosting various devas, asuras and apsaras. The lake in this direction is called Mahābhadra around which are situated eleven mountains.

2) Supārśva (सुपार्श्व) is the name of a sage, according to the Varāhapurāṇa chapter 95. He had a son named Sindhudvīpa.

Source: Puranic Encyclopedia

1) Supārśva (सुपार्श्व).—A Kṣatriya King, who was the rebirth of the Asura, Kapaṭa. (Ādi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 28).

2) Supārśva (सुपार्श्व).—A King born in Yayāti’s dynasty. He was the son of Dṛḍhanemi and father of Sumati. Bhāgavata, 9th Skandha).

3) Supārśva (सुपार्श्व).—A Rākṣasa, brother of Prahasta, a minister of Rāvaṇa. (See under Akampana).

4) Supārśva (सुपार्श्व).—A son of Sampāti. It was this son who looked after the aged and weak Sampāti. (Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa, Kiṣkindhā Kāṇḍa, Canto 59, Verse 8).

5) Supārśva (सुपार्श्व).—A mountain in Jambū Island. On the high peak of the mountain there is a tree called Mahākadamba from the hollows of which five great rivers take their source. These rivers fall on the peak of Supārśva and flow by the western side of Ilāvṛtta. The air in an area of a hundred yojanas is fragrant as it is mixed with the fragrance emanating from the mouths of Devas who drink the water from the above five rivers. (Devī Bhāgavata, 8th Skandha).

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana Index

1a) Supārśva (सुपार्श्व).—Mt. on one side of Meru; five currents of honey produced by the celestial Kadamba tree flow down from its tops; on the north Ilāvṛta;1 a Viṣkambha hill round Meru;2 sacred to Nārāyaṇī.3

1b) A son of Dhṛta(ḍha)nemi, and father of Sumati.*

1c) The father of Kāśyā, wife of Sāmba.*

1d) A son of Rukmaratha.*

1e) A son of Kāśma.*

1f) Son of Śrutāyu and Sṛñjaya.*

Reference -

In Mahabharata

Suparshva (सुपार्श्व) in Mahabharata (II.27.7),

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 27 mentions the countries subjugated by Bhimasena. Suparshva (सुपार्श्व) is mentioned in Mahabharata (II.27.7).[1].....Then Bhima of terrible prowess and long arms, vanquishing in battle the unretreating Suvahu the king of Kasi, brought him under complete sway. Then that bull among the sons of Pandu overcame in battle, by sheer force, the great king Kratha reigning in the region lying about Suparshva.


सुपार्श्व (AS, p.975): विष्णु पुराण 2,2,17 के अनुसार इलावृत्त के चार पर्वतों में से है जो इस भूखंड के पश्चिम में स्थित है--'विपुलः पश्विमे पाश्व सुपार्श्वश्वोत्तरे स्मृतः '. [2]

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  1. ततः सुपार्श्वम अभितस तदा राजपतिं क्रथम, युध्यमानं बलात संख्ये विजिग्ये पाण्डवर्षभः (II.27.7)
  2. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.975