
Sutod (सुटोद/सूटड़) is a village in Laxmangarh tahsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan.
It is 7 Kilometers from Salasar balaji in south and 3 kilometers from Ganeri.
Jat Gotras
As per Census-2011 statistics, Sutod village has the total population of 2146 (of which 1069 are males while 1077 are females).[1]
Sutod Inscription VS 1203 (=1146 AD)
Historical Monuments
Sutod Chhatri
Sutod Inscription VS 1203 (=1146 AD) Asoj Badi 13
Notable persons
- Naresh Choudhary(Thalor) - Naresh Choudhary (Thalor) is resident of village- Sutod, Teh.- Lachhmangarh,Distt.- Sikar, Rajasthan. Presently, he is working as a Marketing Manager Asia for famous Kingsland Group, New Zealand. He is a Sobar Decent gentleman . If you need any assistance regarding the reference or any others in NZ , don't hesitate to contact. Contact no :- 0064 211592125
- R. L. Godara - Assoc.Professor,Rajasthan University, Date of Birth : 1-May-1956, Phone: 0141-2707806, Mob: 9414227806
External Links
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