Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Svargapuri (स्वर्गपुरी) refers to upper portion of cave no.9 at Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves near the city of Bhubaneswar in Odisha, India.
- Swargapuri स्वर्गपुरी, जिला पुरी, उड़ीसा, Hathigumpha हाथीगुंफा के निकट गुफा, (p.1004)
- Hastisiha हस्तीसिंह दे. स्वर्गपुरी (p.1004)
Besides Hathigumpha inscription of Kharavela there are some other minor Brahmi inscriptions in the twin hillocks of Udayagiri and Khandagiri, which were deciphered earlier by Prof R D Banergy during 1915-16 (Epigraphic Indica-XIII) and BM Baraua (Indian Historical Quarterly-XIV). Sadananda Agrawal has given further clarifications about them. These seem to be related with Jats.
I-Mancapuri cave inscription (Upper storey)
This inscription is engraved on the raised space between the second and third doorways of the cave.
L.1- अरहंत पसादाय कलिंगानं समनानं लेनं कारितं राजिनो ललाकस
L.2- हथिसिहस पपोतस धुतुना कलिंग चकवतिनो सिरिखारवेलस
L.3- अगमहिसिना कारितं
Translation - By the blessings of Arhats the chief queen of Kharavela, the Cakravarti monarch of Kalinga, the great grand-daughter of Hathisiha (Hasti Simha) and the daughter of Lalāka or Lalārka caused to be excavated the cave for the sramanas of Kalinga.
Note- Here Lalāka or Lalārka refers to the Lala, a Jat king of Lal clan.
II-Mancapuri cave inscription (Upper storey)-A
This inscription is incised on a raised bend between the 3rd and 4th doorways from the left and contains single line.
ऐरस महाराजस कलिंगाधिपतिना महामेघवाहनस कुदेपसिरिनो लेणं Translation - This is the cave of Aira Mahameghavahana Maharaja Kudepasiri, the overlord of Kalinga.
Kudepasiri seems to be the immediate successor of Kharavela.
III-Manchapuri cave inscription 'B' (Lower storey)
This inscription has been engraved on the right wall of Veranda, to the right of the entrance to the right-hand side chamber of the main wing, consisting of one line. The text is presented below:
कुमारो वडुखस लेणं
Translation - [This is] the cave of Prince Vaḍukha.
Note:- On palaeographic ground Prof Banergy considers this inscription to be a little earlier than the inscription of king Kudepasiri. According to Sadananda Agrawal, Prince Badukha stands an obscure figure in history, but Badukha seems to be the son or brother of Kudepasiri.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Svargapurī (स्वर्गपुरी).—[feminine] the heavenly city, Amarāvatī.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Svargapurī (स्वर्गपुरी):—[=svarga-purī] [from svarga > svar] f. ‘city of h°’, Amarāvatī, [Rāmāyaṇa]
Ref -
स्वर्गपुरी (जिला पुरी, उड़ीसा)
स्वर्गपुरी (AS, p.1004) जिला पुरी, उड़ीसा में स्थित है. हाथीगुंफा के निकट गुफा जहाँ खारवेल (चौथी शती ई.पू ) की रानी का एक अभिलेख है. इस गुफा को, इसी रानी ने जो हस्तीसिंह की पुत्री थी, बनवाया था. [1]