The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Abbreviations

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The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations

Book by

Hukum Singh Panwar (Pauria)

Manthan Publications, Rohtak. ISBN 81-85235-22-8



Ag. Pur. - Agni Purana.

AIHT - Ancient Indian Historical Tradition by F.E. Pargiter.

Ann. & Ant. - Annals and Antiquities.

ABORI - Annals of Bhandarkar Orienlal Research Institute, Poona.

ASRI - Archaeological Survey of India.

Asht. - Ashtadhyayi of Panini.

Bhag. Pur. - Bhagavata Purana.

BRW. - Black and Red Ware. (Pottery)

Bd. Pur. - Brahmand Purana.

Br. Pur. - Brhma Purana.

CAH - Cambridge Ancient History of the World.

CHI. - Cambridge History of India.

CASS - Catalogue of Anandasrama Sanskrit Series, Poona.

Clas. Acts. - Classical Accounts by R.C. Majumdar.

Cont. & Mig. = Contacts and Migration.

CII - Corpus lnscriptionum Indicarum.

Cr. Ed. - Critical Edition of The Mahabharta, Poona.

Cul. & Civi. - Culture and Civilization.

Distt. Gaz. - District Gazetteer.

Ency. Brit. - Encyclopaedia Britanica.

Hv. - Harivamsa.

His. & Cul. - History and Culture.

IHQ. - Indian Historical Quarterly, Calcutta.

Ind. Peo. - Indian People.

JAIH - Journal of Ancient Indian History, Madras.

JAHRS - Journal of Andhara Historical Research Society, Rajamundri.

JASB. - Journal of Asiatic Society Bombay

JASP - Journal of Asiatic Society of Pakistan, Krachi.

JBORS - Journal of Bihar and Orrisa Research Society, Patna.

JBBRAS. - Journal of Bombay Branch of Royal Asiatic Society.

JHS - Journal of Haryana Studies, Kurukshetra.

JHP - Journal of History of Pakistan, Krachi.

JOIB - Journal of Oriental Institute, Bombay.

JPHS - Journal of Pakistan Historical Society, Dacca.


JRAS - Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, London.

Kshat. - Kshatriya.

Lg. Pur. - Linga Purana.

Mbt. - Mahabharata.

Mat. Pur. - Matsya Purana.

Med. - Medieval.

Pad. Pur. - Padma Purana.

PPH - Peoples Publishing House

Pol.& Soc. Mov. - Political and Social Movements.

PHAI - Political Histo of Ancient India by H.C. Raychaudhuri.

Pb. Ce. Rep - Punjab Census Reports.

Pbi. Uni. - Punjabi University.

Ram. - Ramayana.

RV or R.V. - Rig Veda.

SBE. - Sacred Books of the East.

Skt. Eng. Dic. - Sanskrit English Dictionary by Monier-Williams.

Sat. Bra. - Satpatha Brahmana.

Sett.R - Settlement Reports.

Si.Pur. - Siva Purana.

U.P. - Uttar Pradesh.

Yam. Pur. - Vaman Purana.

Va. Pur. - Vayu Purana.

VSM - Vedic Sansthan Mandai, Delhi.

Vis. Pur. - Visnu Purana.

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