Udrasar Nagaur
Udrasar (उदरासर) is a village in Ladnu tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
PIN Code of the village is: 341303. It is situated 42km away from Ladnu town and 132km away from Nagaur city. Dheengsari is the gram panchayat of Tipani village. Raidhana, Kushalpura and Ridmalas are some of the neighbouring villages.
Jat Gotras
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 200 families residing, Udrasar village has the population of 1238 (of which 658 are males while 580 are females).[1]
Notable persons
- Luna Ram Chaudhary (Sunda) - Rajasthan Police, CI (Retd), M:9414594644
- Dana Ram Sunda - Head Master (Retd),
- Ram Gopal Sunda - Manager Quality Control, Food Corporation of India
- Jetha Ram Bagaria - Hon. Capt Retd.
External Links
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