Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 31
Mahabharata Book V Chapter 31:English
SECTION XXXI - Five villages demanded by Pandavas
"Yudhishthira said, 'O Sanjaya, the righteous and the unrighteous, the young and the old, the weak and the strong, are all under the control of the Creator, It is that Supreme Lord who imparteth knowledge to the child and childishness to the learned, according to his own will. If Dhritarashtra ask thee about our strength, tell him everything truly, having cheerfully consulted with everyone here and ascertained the truth. O son of Gavalgana, repairing unto the Kurus, thou wilt salute the mighty Dhritarashtra, and touching his feet enquire after his welfare speaking in our name. And when seated in the midst of the Kurus, tell him from us.--The sons of Pandu, O king, are living happily in consequence of thy prowess. It was through thy grace, O repressor of foes, that those children of tender years had obtained a kingdom. Having first bestowed a kingdom on them, thou shouldst not now be indifferent to them, for destruction then would overtake them! The whole of this kingdom, O Sanjaya, is not fit to be owned by one person. Tell him again, from us.--O sire, we wish to live united. Do not suffer thyself to be vanquished by foes.--Thou shouldst again, O Sanjaya, bending thy head, in my name salute the grandsire of the Bharatas, Bhishma, the son of Santanu. Having saluted our grandsire, he should then be told.--By thee, when Santanu's race was about to be extinct, it was revived. Therefore, O sire, do that according to thy own judgment by which thy grandsons may all live in amity with one another. Thou shouldst then address Vidura also, that adviser of the Kurus, saying.--Counseleth peace, O amiable one, from desire of doing good unto Yudhishthira.--Thou shouldst address the unforbearing prince Duryodhana also, when seated in the midst of the Kurus, beseeching him again and again, saying,--The insults thou hadst offered to innocent and helpless Draupadi in the midst of the assembly, we will quietly bear, simply because we have no mind to see the Kurus slain. The other injuries also, both before and after that, the sons of Pandu are quietly bearing, although they are possessed of might to avenge them. All this, indeed, the Kauravas know. O amiable one, thou hadst even exiled us dressed in deer-skins. We are bearing that also because we do not want to see the Kurus slain. Dussasana, in obedience to thee, had dragged Krishna, disregarding Kunti. That act also will be forgiven by us. But, O chastiser of foes, we must have our proper share of the kingdom. O bull among men, turn thy
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coveting heart from what belongeth to others. Peace then, O king, will be amongst our gladdened selves. We are desirous of peace; give us even a single province of the empire. Give us even Kushasthala, Vrikasthala, Asandi, Varanavata, and for the fifth any other that thou likest. Even this will end the quarrel. O Suyodhana, give unto thy five brothers at least five villages,--O Sanjaya, O thou of great wisdom, let there be peace between us and our cousins. Tell him also,--Let brothers follow brothers, let sires unite with sons. Let the Panchalas mingle with the Kurus in merry laughter. That I may see the Kurus and the Panchalas whole and sound, is what I desire. O bull of the Bharata race, with, cheerful hearts let us make peace. O Sanjaya, I am equally capable of war and peace. I am prepared to acquire wealth as well as to earn virtue. I am fit enough for severity as for softness.'"
Mahabharata Book V Chapter 31:Sanskrit
1 [य] उत सन्तम असन्तं च बालं वृथ्धं च संजय उताबलं बलीयांसं धाता परकुरुते वशे 2 उत बालाय पाण्डित्यं पण्डितायॊत बालताम थथाति सर्वम ईशानः पुरस्ताच छुक्रम उच्चरन 3 अलं विज्ञापनाय सयाथ आचक्षीदा यदातदम अदॊ मन्त्रं मन्त्रयित्वा नयॊन्येनातिहृष्टवत 4 गावल्गणे कुरून गत्वा धृतराष्ट्रं महाबलम अभिवाथ्यॊपसंगृह्य ततः पृच्छेर अनामयम 5 बरूयाश चैनं तवम आसीनं कुरुभिः परिवारितम तवैव राजन वीर्येण सुखं जीवन्ति पाण्डवाः 6 तव परसाथाथ बालास ते पराप्ता राज्यम अरिंथम राज्ये तान सदापयित्वाग्रे नॊपेक्षीर विनशिष्यतः 7 सर्वम अप्य एतथ एकस्य नालं संजय कस्य चित तात संहत्य जीवामॊ मा थविषथ्भ्यॊ वशं गमः 8 तदाभीष्मं शांतनवं भारतानां पितामहम शिरसाभिवथेदास तवं मम नाम परकीर्तयन 9 अभिवाथ्य च वक्तव्यस ततॊ ऽसमाकं पितामह भवता शंतनॊर वंशॊ निमग्नः पुनर उथ्धृतः 10 स तवं कुरु तदा तात सवमतेन पितामह यदा जीवन्ति ते पौत्राः परीतिमन्तः परस्परम 11 तदैव विथुरं बरूयाः कुरूणाम मन्त्रधारिणम अयुथ्धं सौम्य भाषस्व हितकामॊ युधिष्ठिरः 12 अदॊ सुयॊधनं बरूया राजपुत्रम अमर्षणम मध्ये कुरूणाम आसीनम अनुनीय पुनः पुनः 13 अपश्यन माम उपेक्षन्तं कृष्णाम एकां सभा गताम तथ्थुःखम अतितिक्षाम मा वधीष्म कुरून इति 14 एवं पूर्वापरान कलेशान अतितिक्षन्त पाण्डवाः यदाबलीयसः सन्तस तत सर्वं कुरवॊ विथुः 15 यन नः पराव्राजयः सौम्य अजिनैः परतिवासितान तथ्थुःखम अतितिक्षाम मा वधीष्म कुरून इति 16 यत तत सभायाम आक्रम्य कृष्णां केशेष्व अधर्षयत थुःशासनस ते ऽनुमते तच चास्माभिर उपेक्षितम 17 यदॊचितं सवकं भागं लभेमहि परंतप निवर्तय परथ्रव्ये बुथ्धिं गृथ्धां नरर्षभ 18 शान्तिर एवं भवेथ राजन परीतिश चैव परस्परम राज्यैक थेशम अपि नः परयच्छ शमम इच्छताम 19 कुश सथलं वृकस्थलम आसन्दी वारणावतम अवसानं भवेथ अत्र किं चिथ एव तु पञ्चमम
20 भरातॄणां थेहि पञ्चानां गरामान पञ्च सुयॊधन शान्तिर नॊ ऽसतु महाप्राज्ञ जञातिभिः सह संजय 21 भराता भरातरम अन्वेतु पिता पुत्रेण युज्यताम समयमानाः समायान्तु पाञ्चालाः कुरुभिः सह 22 अक्षतान कुरुपाञ्चालान पश्येम इति कामये सर्वे सुमनसस तात शाम्याम भरतर्षभ 23 अलम एव शमायास्मि तदा युथ्धाय संजय धर्मार्दयॊर अलं चाहं मृथवे थारुणाय च
Mahabharata Book V Chapter 31:Transliteration
1 [y] uta santam asantaṃ ca bālaṃ vṛddhaṃ ca saṃjaya utābalaṃ balīyāṃsaṃ dhātā prakurute vaśe 2 uta bālāya pāṇḍityaṃ paṇḍitāyota bālatām dadāti sarvam īśānaḥ purastāc chukram uccaran 3 alaṃ vijñāpanāya syād ācakṣīthā yathātatham atho mantraṃ mantrayitvā nayonyenātihṛṣṭavat 4 gāvalgaṇe kurūn gatvā dhṛtarāṣṭraṃ mahābalam abhivādyopasaṃgṛhya tataḥ pṛccher anāmayam 5 brūyāś cainaṃ tvam āsīnaṃ kurubhiḥ parivāritam tavaiva rājan vīryeṇa sukhaṃ jīvanti pāṇḍavāḥ 6 tava prasādād bālās te prāptā rājyam ariṃdama rājye tān sthāpayitvāgre nopekṣīr vinaśiṣyataḥ 7 sarvam apy etad ekasya nālaṃ saṃjaya kasya cit tāta saṃhatya jīvāmo mā dviṣadbhyo vaśaṃ gamaḥ 8 tathābhīṣmaṃ śāṃtanavaṃ bhāratānāṃ pitāmaham śirasābhivadethās tvaṃ mama nāma prakīrtayan 9 abhivādya ca vaktavyas tato 'smākaṃ pitāmaha bhavatā śaṃtanor vaṃśo nimagnaḥ punar uddhṛtaḥ 10 sa tvaṃ kuru tathā tāta svamatena pitāmaha yathā jīvanti te pautrāḥ prītimantaḥ parasparam 11 tathaiva viduraṃ brūyāḥ kurūṇām mantradhāriṇam ayuddhaṃ saumya bhāṣasva hitakāmo yudhiṣṭhiraḥ 12 atho suyodhanaṃ brūyā rājaputram amarṣaṇam madhye kurūṇām āsīnam anunīya punaḥ punaḥ 13 apaśyan mām upekṣantaṃ kṛṣṇām ekāṃ sabhā gatām tadduḥkham atitikṣāma mā vadhīṣma kurūn iti 14 evaṃ pūrvāparān kleśān atitikṣanta pāṇḍavāḥ yathābalīyasaḥ santas tat sarvaṃ kuravo viduḥ 15 yan naḥ prāvrājayaḥ saumya ajinaiḥ prativāsitān tadduḥkham atitikṣāma mā vadhīṣma kurūn iti 16 yat tat sabhāyām ākramya kṛṣṇāṃ keśeṣv adharṣayat duḥśāsanas te 'numate tac cāsmābhir upekṣitam 17 yathocitaṃ svakaṃ bhāgaṃ labhemahi paraṃtapa nivartaya paradravye buddhiṃ gṛddhāṃ nararṣabha 18 śāntir evaṃ bhaved rājan prītiś caiva parasparam rājyaika deśam api naḥ prayaccha śamam icchatām 19 kuśa sthalaṃ vṛkasthalam āsandī vāraṇāvatam avasānaṃ bhaved atra kiṃ cid eva tu pañcamam 20 bhrātṝṇāṃ dehi pañcānāṃ grāmān pañca suyodhana śāntir no 'stu mahāprājña jñātibhiḥ saha saṃjaya 21 bhrātā bhrātaram anvetu pitā putreṇa yujyatām smayamānāḥ samāyāntu pāñcālāḥ kurubhiḥ saha 22 akṣatān kurupāñcālān paśyema iti kāmaye sarve sumanasas tāta śāmyāma bharatarṣabha 23 alam eva śamāyāsmi tathā yuddhāya saṃjaya dharmārthayor alaṃ cāhaṃ mṛdave dāruṇāya ca