Gora Badal

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Gora Badal (गोरा बादल) has been a legendry warrior from Gora Jat clan, who fought very bravely in the war of Gayasuddin with Rana Raimal in 1488. Gora Badal has been mentioned in history as warrior who protected Rani Padmini of Chittor.


Pandit Gaori Shankar Hirachand Ojha has clarified in the article published in Nagari pracharini-patrika, part 13, issue-1 under the title Gaur namak agyat kshatriya vansh - गौर नामक अज्ञात क्षत्रिय वंश, that Gora and Badal mentioned in literature as two separate persons are in fact one person. Badal is his name and Gora was his clan. He was so brave that he could kill many Muslim soldiers simultaneously. One tower (burj) has been mentioned in his name as Gaur-burj. The story of Gora Badal has been depicted on a wall painting in Eklingaji temple in Udaipur. Two dome-shaped houses have been constructed in the name of Gora-Badal Mahal, south of Padmini Mahal, in Chittorgarh fort. [1]


  1. Thakur Deshraj, Jat Itihas (Hindi), Maharaja Suraj Mal Smarak Shiksha Sansthan, Delhi, 1934, 2nd edition 1992, Page 592

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