Anusasana Parva/Book XIII Chapter 31

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Anusasana Parva/Book XIII Chapter 31: English

Divodas defeated Vitahavya and ruled Kashi, Vitahavya acquired Brahmana status

"Yudhishthira said, 'I have heard this great narrative, O perpetuator of Kuru's race. Thou, O foremost of eloquent men, hast said that the status of a Brahmana is exceedingly difficult of acquisition.

It is heard, however, that in former times the status of a Brahmana had been acquired by Viswamitra. Thou, however, O best of men, tellest us that status is incapable of being acquired.

I have also heard that king Vitahavya in ancient times succeeded in obtaining the status of a Brahmana. I desire to hear, O puissant son of Ganga, the story of Vitahavya's promotion. By what acts did that best of kings succeed in acquiring the status of a Brahmana? Was it through some boon (obtained from some one of great puissance) or was it through the virtue of penances? It behoveth thee to tell me everything.'

"Bhishma said, 'Hear, O monarch, how the royal sage Vitahavya of great celebrity succeeded in ancient times in acquiring the status of a Brahmana that is so difficult to attain and that is held in such high reverence by all the world.

ManuSaryati → → → VatsaHaihaya (and Talajangha) → Vitahavya (Vitahavya fled to Bhrigu & attained to the status of a Brahmana) → GritsamadaVarchasVihavyaVitatyaSatyaSantaShravasTamaPrakashaVagindraPramati → (w.Ghritachi) → Ruru (w. Pramadvara) → ShunakaSaunaka

While the high-souled Manu in days of yore was employed in righteously ruling his subjects, he obtained a son of righteous soul who became celebrated under the name of Saryati.

In Saryati's, race, O monarch, two kings took their birth, viz., Haihaya and Talajangha. Both of them were sons of Vatsa, O foremost of victorious kings. Haihaya, O monarch, had ten wives. Upon them he begot, O Bharata, a century of sons all of whom were highly inclined to fighting. All of them resembled one another in features and prowess. All of them were endued with great strength and all of them were possessed of great skill in battle. They all studied the Vedas and the science of weapons thoroughly.


In Kashi also, O monarch, there was a king who was the grandfather of Divodasa. The foremost of victorious men, he was known by the name of Haryashva. The sons of king Haihaya, O chief of men (who was otherwise known by the name of Vitahavya), invaded the kingdom of Kasi and advancing to the country that lies between the rivers Ganga and Yamuna, fought a battle with king Haryashva and also slew him in it. Having slain king Haryyaswa in this way, the sons of Haihaya, those great car-warriors, fearlessly went back to their own delightful city in the country of the Vatsas (Vatsapuri).

Meanwhile Haryashva's son Sudeva, who looked like a deity in splendour and who was a second god of righteousness, was installed on the throne of Kasi as its ruler.

The delighter of Kasi, that righteous-souled prince ruled his kingdom for sometime, when the hundred sons of Vitahavya once more invaded his dominions and defeated him in battle. Having vanquished king Sudeva thus, the victors returned to their own city.

After that Divodasa, the son of Sudeva, became installed on the throne of Kasi as its ruler. Realising the prowess of those high-souled princes, viz., the sons of Vitahavya, king Divodasa, endued with great energy, rebuilt and fortified the city of Baranasi at the command of Indra.

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[paragraph continues] The territories of Divodasa were full of Brahmanas and Kshatriyas, and abounded with Vaishyas and Sudras. And they teemed with articles and provisions of every kind, and were adorned with shops and marts swelling with prosperity. Those territories, O best of kings, stretched northwards from the banks of Ganga to the southern banks of Gomati, and resembled a second Amravati (the city of Indra).

The Haihayas once again, O Bharata, attacked that tiger among kings, as he ruled his kingdom. The mighty king Divodasa endued with great splendour, issuing out of his capital, gave them battle. The engagement between the two parties proved so fierce as to resemble the encounter in days of old between the deities and the Asuras. King Divodasa fought the enemy for a thousand days at the end of which, having lost a number of followers and animals, he became exceedingly distressed.1 King Divodasa, O monarch, having lost his army and seeing his treasury exhausted, left his capital and fled away.

Repairing to the delightful retreat of Bhardwaja endued with great wisdom the king, O chastiser of foes joining his hands in reverence, sought the Rishi's protection. Beholding King Divodasa before him, the eldest son of Vrihaspati, viz., Bharadwaja of excellent conduct, who was the monarch's priest, said unto him, What is the reason of thy coming here? Tell me everything, O king. I shall do that which is agreeable to thee, without any scruple.'

"The king said, 'O holy one, the sons of Vitahavya have slain all the children and men of my house. I only have escaped with life, totally discomfited by the foe. I seek thy protection. It behoveth thee, O holy one, to protect me with such affection as thou hast for a disciple. Those princes of sinful deeds have slaughtered my whole race, leaving myself only alive.'

"Bhishma continued, 'Unto him who pleaded so piteously, Bharadwaja of great energy said, Do not fear! Do not fear! O son of Sudeva, let thy fears be dispelled. I shall perform a sacrifice, O monarch, in order that thou mayst have a son through whom thou shalt be able to smite thousands upon thousands of Vitahavya's party.

After this, the Rishi performed a sacrifice with the object of bestowing a son on Divodasa. As the result thereof, unto Divodasa was born a son named Pratarddana. Immediately on his birth he grew up like a boy of full three and ten years and quickly mastered the entire Vedas and the whole of arms. Aided by his Yoga powers, Bharadwaja of great intelligence had entered into the prince. Indeed, collecting all the energy that occurs in the object of the universe, Bharadwaja put them together in the body of prince Pratarddana. Put on shining mail on his person and armed with the bow, Pratarddana, his praises sung by bards and the celestial Rishis, shone resplendent like the risen star of day. Mounted on his car and with the scimitar tied to his belt, he shone like a blazing fire. With scimitar and shield and whirling

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his shield as he went, he proceeded to the presence of his sire.

Beholding the prince, the son of Sudeva, viz., king Divodasa, became filled with joy. Indeed, the old king thought the sons of his enemy Vitahavya as already slain. Divodasa then installed his son Pratarddana as Yuvaraja, and regarding himself crowned with success became exceedingly happy. After this, the old king commanded that chastiser of foes, viz., prince Pratarddana to march against the sons of Vitahavya and slay them in battle. Endued with great powers. Pratarddana, that subjugator of hostile cities speedily crossed Ganga on his car and proceeded against the city of the Vitahavyas. Hearing the clatter produced by the wheels of his car, the sons of Vitahavya, riding on their own cars that looked like fortified citadels and that were capable of destroying hostile vehicles, issued out of their city. Issuing out of their capital, those tigers among men, viz., the sons of Vitahavya, who were all skilful warriors cased in mail, rushed with uplifted weapons towards Pratarddana, covering him with showers of arrows. Encompassing him with innumerable cars, O Yudhisthira, the Vitahavyas poured upon Pratarddana showers of weapons of various kinds like clouds pouring torrents of rain on the breast of Himavat. Baffling their weapons with his own, prince Pratarddana endued with mighty energy slew them all with his shafts that resembled the lighting fire of Indra. Their heads struck off, O king, with hundreds and thousands of broad-headed arrows, the warriors of Vitahavya fell down with blood-dyed bodies like Kinsuka trees felled by woodmen with their axes on every side.

After all his warriors and sons had fallen in battle, king Vitahavya fled away from his capital to the retreat of Bhrigu. Indeed, arrived there, the royal fugitive sought the protection of Bhrigu. The Rishi Bhrigu, O monarch, assured the defeated king of his protection. Pratarddana followed in the footsteps of Vitahavya. Arrived at the Rishi's retreat, the son of Divodasa said in a loud voice.--Ho, listen ye disciples of the high souled Bhrigu that may happen to be present, I wish to see the sage. Go and inform him of this. Recognising that it was Pratarddana who had come, the Rishi Bhrigu himself came out of his retreat and worshipped that best of kings according to due rites. Addressing him then, the Rishi said,--Tell me, O king, what is thy business. The king, at this, informed the Rishi of the reason of his presence.'

"The king said, 'King Vitahavya has come here, O Brahmana. Do thou give him up. His sons, O Brahmana, had destroyed my race. They had laid waste the territories and the wealth of the kingdom of Kasi. Hundred sons, however, of this king proud of his might, have all been slain by me. By slaying that king himself I shall today pay off the debt I owe to my father. Unto him that foremost of righteous men, viz., the Rishi Bhrigu, penetrated with compassion, replied by saying,--There is no Kshatriya in this retreat. They that are here are all Brahmanas. Hearing these words of Bhrigu that must accord he thought with truth, Pratarddana touched the Rishi's feet slowly and, filled with delight, said,--By this, O holy one, I am without doubt, crowned with success, since this king becomes

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abandoned by the very order of his birth in consequence of my prowess. Give me thy permission, O Brahmana, to leave thee, and let me solicit thee to pray for my welfare. This king, O founder of the race that goes by the name, has been compelled to leave of the very community of his birth, in consequence of my might.

Dismissed by the Rishi Bhrigu, king Pratarddana then departed from that retreat, having even as a snake vomits forth its real poison and repaired to the place he had come from.

Meanwhile, king Vitahavya attained to the status of a Brahmana sage by virtue of the words only of Bhrigu. And he acquired also a complete mastery over all the Vedas through the same cause. Vitahavya had a son named Gritsamada who in beauty of person was a second Indra. Once on a time the Daityas afflicted him much, believing him to be none else than Indra. With regard to that high-souled Rishi, one foremost of Srutis in the Richs goes like this viz., He with whom Gritsamada stays, O Brahmana, is held in high respect by all Brahmanas. Endued with great intelligence, Gritsamada become a regenerate Rishi in the observance of Brahmacharyya. Gritsamada had a regenerate son of the name of Sutejas. Sutejas had a son of the name of Varchas, and the son of Varchas was known by the name of Vihavya. Vihavya had a son of his loins who was named Vitatya and Vitatya had a son of name Satya. Satya had a son of name Santa. Santa had a son, viz., the Rishi Sravas. Sravas begot a son named Tama. Tama begot a son named Prakasa, who was a very superior Brahmana. Prakasa had a son named Vagindra who was the foremost of all silent reciters of sacred Mantras. Vagindra begot a son named Pramati who was a complete master of all the Vedas and their branches. Pramati begot upon the Apsara Ghritachi a son who was named Ruru. Ruru begot a son upon his spouse Pramadvara. That son was the regenerate Rishi Shunaka. Sunaka begot a son who is named Shaunaka. It was even thus, O foremost of monarchs, that king Vitahavya, though a Kshatriya by the order of his birth, obtained the status of a Brahmana, O chief of Kshatriyas, through the grace of Bhrigu. I have also told thee the genealogy of the race that sprung from Gritsamada. What else wouldst thou ask?' Footnotes

148:1 Dasatirdasa is ten times hundred or one thousand Dasati, like Saptati, Navati, etc., means ten times ten. Both the Vernacular translators have erred in rendering the word.

Anusasana Parva/Book XIII Chapter 31: Sanskrit

1 [य]
     शरुतं मे महद आख्यानम एतत कुरुकुलॊद्वह
     सुदुष्प्रापं बरवीषि तवं बराह्मण्यं वदतां वर
 2 विश्वामित्रेण च पुरा बराह्मण्यं पराप्तम इत्य उत
     शरूयते वदसे तच च दुष्प्रापम इति सत्तम
 3 वीह हव्यश च राजर्षिः शरुतॊ मे विप्रतां गतः
     तद एव तावद गाङ्गेय शरॊतुम इच्छाम्य अहं विभॊ
 4 स केन कर्मणा पराप्तॊ बराह्मण्यं राजसत्तम
     वरेण तपसा वापि तन मे वयाख्यातुम अर्हति
 5 [बः]
     शृणु राजन यथा राजा वीह हव्यॊ महायशाः
     क्षत्रियः सन पुनः पराप्तॊ बराह्मण्यं लॊकसत्कृतम
 6 मनॊर महात्मनस तात परजा धर्मेण शासतः
     बभूव पुत्रॊ धर्मात्मा शर्यातिर इति विश्रुतः
 7 तस्यान्ववाये दवौ राजन राजानौ संबभूवतुः
     हेहयस तालजङ्घशवत्सेषु जयतां वर
 8 हेहयस्य तु पुत्राणां दशसु सत्रीषु भारत
     शतं बभूव परख्यातं शूराणाम अनिवर्तिनाम
 9 तुल्यरूपप्रभावाणां विदुषां युद्धशालिनाम
     धनुर्वेदे च वेदे च सर्वत्रैव कृतश्रमाः
 10 काशिष्व अपि नृपॊ राजन दिवॊदास पितामहः
    हर्यश्व इति विख्यातॊ बभूव जयतां वरः
11 स वीतहव्यदायादैर आगत्य पुरुषर्षभ
    गङ्गायमुनयॊर मध्ये संग्रामे विनिपातितः
12 तं तु हत्वा नरवरं हेहयास ते महारथाः
    परतिजग्मुः पुरीं रम्यां वत्सानाम अकुतॊभयाः
13 हर्यश्वस्य तु दायादः काशिराजॊ ऽभयषिच्यत
    सुदेवॊ देवसंकाशः साक्षाद धर्म इवापरः
14 स पालयन्न एव महीं धर्मात्मा काशिनन्दनः
    तैर वीतहव्यैर आगत्य युधि सर्वैर विनिर्जितः
15 तम अप्य आजौ विनिर्जित्य परतिजग्मुर यथागतम
    सौदेविस तव अथ काशीशॊ दिवॊदासॊ ऽभयषिच्यत
16 [[Dovodasa|दिवॊदासस तु विज्ञाय वीर्यं तेषां महात्मनाम
    वाराणसीं महातेजा निर्ममे शक्र शासनात
17 विप्र क्षत्रिय संबाधां वैश्यशूद्र समाकुलाम
    नैकद्रव्यॊच्चयवतीं समृद्धविपणापणाम
18 गङ्गाया उत्तरे कूले वप्रान्ते राजसत्तम
    गॊमत्या दक्षिणे चैव शक्रस्येवामरावतीम
19 तत्र तं राजशार्दूलं निवसन्तं महीपतिम
    आगत्य हेहया भूयः पर्यधावन्त भारत
20 स निष्पत्य ददौ युद्धं तेभ्यॊ राजा महाबलः
    देवासुरसमं घॊरं दिवॊदासॊ महाद्युतिः
21 स तु युद्धे महाराज दिनानां दशतीर दश
    हतवाहन भूयिष्ठस ततॊ दैन्यम उपागमत
22 हतयॊधस ततॊ राजन क्षीणकॊशश च भूमिपः
    दिवॊदासः पुरीं हित्वा पलायनपरॊ ऽभवत
23 स तव आश्रमम उपागम्य भरद्वाजस्य धीमतः
    जगाम शरणं राजा कृताञ्जलिर अरिंदम
24 [राजा]
    भगवन वैतहव्यैर मे युद्धे वंशः परणाशितः
    अहम एकः परिद्यूनॊ भवन्तं शरणं गतः
25 शिष्यस्नेहेन भगवन स मां रक्षितुम अर्हसि
    निःशेषॊ हि कृतॊ वंशॊ मम तैः पापकर्मभिः
26 तम उवाच महाभागॊ भरद्वाजः परतापवान
    न भेतव्यं न भेतव्यं सौदेव वयेतु ते भयम
27 अहम इष्टिं करॊम्य अद्य पुत्रार्थं ते विशां पते
    वैतहव्य सहस्राणि यथा तवं परसहिष्यसि
28 तत इष्टिं चकारर्षिस तस्य वै पुत्र कामिकीम
    अथास्य तनयॊ जज्ञे परतर्दन इति शरुतः
29 स जातमात्रॊ ववृधे समाः सद्यस तरयॊदश
    वेदं चाधिजगे कृत्स्नं धनुर्वेदं च भारत
30 यॊगेन च समाविष्टॊ भरद्वाजेन धीमता
    तेजॊ लौक्यं स संगृह्य तस्मिन देशे समाविशत
31 ततः स कवची धन्वी बाणी दीप्त इवानलः
    परययौ सधनुर धन्वन विवर्षुर इव तॊयदः
32 तं दृष्ट्वा परमं हर्षं सुदेव तनयॊ ययौ
    मेने च मनसा दग्धान वैतहव्यान स पार्थिवः
33 ततस तं यौवराज्येन सथापयित्वा प्रतर्दनम
    कृतकृत्यं तदात्मानं स राजा अभ्यनन्दत
34 ततस तु वैतहव्यानां वधाय स महीपतिः
    पुत्रं परस्थापयाम आस प्रतर्दनम अरिंदमम
35 सरथः स तु संतीर्य गङ्गाम आशु पराक्रमी
    परययौ वीतहव्यानां पुरीं परपुरंजयः
36 वैतहव्यास तु संश्रुत्य रथघॊषं समुद्धतम
    निर्ययुर नगराकारै रथैः पररथारुजैः
37 निष्क्रम्य ते नरव्याघ्रा दंशिताश चित्रयॊधिनः
    परतर्दनं समाजघ्नुः शरवर्षैर उदायुधाः
38 अस्तैश च विविधाकारै रथौघैश च युधिष्ठिर
    अभ्यवर्षन्त राजानं हिमवन्तम इवाम्बुदाः
39 अस्तैर अस्त्राणि संवार्य तेषां राजा परतर्दनः
    जघान तान महातेजा वज्रानल समैः शरैः
40 कृत्तॊत्तमाङ्गास ते राजन भल्लैः शतसहस्रशः
    अपतन रुधिरार्द्राङ्गा निकृत्ता इव किंशुकाः
41 हतेषु तेषु सर्वेषु वीतहव्यः सुतेष्व अथ
    पराद्रवन नगरं हित्वा भृगॊर आश्रमम अप्य उत
42 ययौ भृगुं च शरणं वीतहव्यॊ नराधिपः
    अभयं च ददौ तस्मै राज्ञे राजन भृगुस तथा
    ततॊ ददाव आसनं च तस्मै शिष्यॊ भृगॊस तदा
43 अथानुपदम एवाशु तत्रागच्छत परतर्दनः
    स पराप्य चाश्रमपदं दिवॊदासात्मजॊ ऽबरवीत
44 भॊ भॊः के ऽतराश्रमे सन्ति भृगॊः शिष्या महात्मनः
    दरष्टुम इच्छे मुनिम अहं तस्याचक्षत माम इति
45 स तं विदित्वा तु भृगुर निश्चक्रामाश्रमात तदा
    पूजयाम आस च ततॊ विधिना परमेण ह
46 उवाच चैनं राजेन्द्र किं कार्यम इति पार्थिवम
    स चॊवाच नृपस तस्मै यद आगमनकारणम
47 अयं बरह्मन्न इतॊ राजावीतहव्यॊ विसर्ज्यताम
    अस्य पुत्रैर हि मे बरह्मन कृत्स्नॊ वंशः परणाशितः
    उत्सादितश च विषयः काशीनां रत्नसंचयः
48 एतस्य वीर्यदृप्तस्य हतं पुत्रशतं मया
    अस्येदानीं वधाद बरह्मन भविष्याम्य अनृणः पितुः
49 तम उवाच कृपाविष्टॊ भृगुर धर्मभृतां वरः
    नेहास्ति कषत्रियः कश चित सर्वे हीमे दविजातयः
50 एवं तु वचनं शरुत्वा भृगॊस तथ्यं परतर्दनः
    पादाव उपस्पृश्य शनैः परहसन वाक्यम अब्रवीत
51 एवम अप्य अस्मि भगवन कृतकृत्यॊ न संशयः
    यद एष राजा वीर्येण सवजातिं तयाजितॊ मया
52 अनुजानीहि मां बरह्मन धयायस्व च शिवेन माम
    तयाजितॊ हि मया जातिम एष राजा भृगूद्वह
53 ततस तेनाभ्यनुज्ञातॊ ययौ राजा [Pratarddana|परतर्दनः]]
    यथागतं महाराज मुक्त्वा विषम इवॊरगः
54 भृगॊर वचनमात्रेण स च बरह्मर्षितां गतः
    वीतहव्यॊ महाराज बरह्मवादित्वम एव च
55 तस्य गृत्समदः पुत्रॊ रूपेणेन्द्र इवापरः
    शक्रस तवम इति यॊ दैत्यैर निगृहीतः किलाभवत
56 ऋग्वेदे वर्तते चाग्र्या शरुतिर अत्र विशां पते
    यत्र गृत्समदॊ बरह्मन बराह्मणैः स महीयते
57 स बरह्म चारी विप्रर्षिः शरीमान गृत्समदॊ ऽभवत
    पुत्रॊ गृत्समदस्यापि सुचेता अभवद दविजः
58 वर्चाः सुतेजसः पुत्रॊ विहव्यस तस्य चात्मजः
    विहव्यस्य तु पुत्रस तु वितत्यस तस्य चात्मजः
59 वितत्यस्य सुतः सत्यः सन्तः सत्यस्य चात्मजः
    श्रवास तस्य सुतश चर्षिः श्रवसश चाभवत तमः
60 तमसश च प्रकाशॊ ऽभूत तनयॊ दविजसत्तमः
    प्रकाशस्यवाग इन्द्रॊ बभूव जयतां वरः
61 तस्यात्मजश च परमतिर वेदवेदाङ्गपारगः
    घृताच्यां तस्य पुत्रस तु रुरुर नामॊदपद्यत
62 परमद्वरायां तु रुरॊः पुत्रः समुदपद्यत
    शुनकॊ नाम विप्रर्षिर यस्य पुत्रॊ ऽथ शौनकः
63 एवं विप्रत्वम अगमद वीतहव्यॊ नराधिपः
    भृगॊः परसादाद राजेन्द्र क्षत्रियः कषत्रियर्षभ
64 तथैव कथितॊ वंशॊ मया गार्त्समदस तव
    विस्तरेण महाराज किम अन्यद अनुपृच्छसि

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