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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Arabeta was an Arabian tribe mentioned by Pliny[1].


Jat Gotras Namesake

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[2] mentions Ethiopia....On leaving Syene1, and taking first the Arabian side, we find the nation of the Catadupi, then the Syenitæ, and the town of Tacompsos2, by some called Thatice, as also Aramasos, Sesamos, Sanduma, Masindomacam, Arabeta and Boggia, Leupitorga, Tantarene, Mecindita, Noa, Gloploa, Gystate, Megada, Lea, Renni, Nups, Direa, Patiga, Bacata, Dumana, Rhadata, at which place a golden cat was worshipped as a god, Boron, in the interior, and Mallos, near Meroë; this is the account given by Bion.

1 As to Syene and the Catadupi, see B. v. c. 10.

2 This place was also called in later times Contrapselcis. It was situate in the Dodecaschœnus, the part of Æthiopia immediately above Egypt, on an island near the eastern bank of the river, a little above Pselcis, which stood on the opposite bank. It has been suggested that this may have been the modern island of Derar. The other places do not appear to have been identified, and, in fact, in no two of the MSS. do the names appear to agree.


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