Balau Jati
Balau Jati (बलाऊ जाटी) is a village in Pachpadra Tehsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
Pincode of the village is 344026. It is situated 70km away from Pachpadra town and 180km away from Barmer city. Being a large village, Balau Jati has got its own gram panchayat. Kharanada, Kalawatsar and Balau Sansan are some of the nearby villages.
Jat Gotras
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 257 families residing, Balau Jati village has the population of 1538 (of which 791 are males while 747 are females).[1]
Notable persons
- लाबूराम गोदारा, बलाऊ जाटी
- राजाराम मूंड, बलाऊ जाटी
External links
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